Thursday 6 August 2015


Apologies for the brevity of Blog this week, I have been off sick and so have a number of my children so we do not have many photos to share but I am hoping that a wee movie of us practising our assembly item will load and that you may enjoy that!
Maia has completed her first sticker chart now :)

Joel has too and is so excited!

We have been learning about the terms 'more' and 'less', these boys have been counting a handful of jelly beans each and ordering their totals from the smallest to the largest number of beans and deciding who has 'more' (Eli and Joel had more than Lockie, with Joel having the 'most').

Adding another page to our books 'All about me' - this page is "Things I like".

Colour mixing in art - come and see our posters in Room One!

We visited Kindy on Tuesday morning and had fun making and playing with our friends.

Matthew is brave!

Amelia Rose has filled her second sticker chart - Lockie has filled his third but took his chart home when I was off so no photo, sadly.

Problem solving maths on Friday - how many ways can we arrange 5 cars in a garage with some inside and some outside?
 This is the movie I attached - hope it works!

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