Thursday 30 July 2015

Week two, term three.

Lockie is doing really well with his Early Words programme :)

Show and tell - Frankie made binoculars!

We are great at sharing with each other.

Caterpillar maths on the activboard - learning how to use it for our maths group times.

Joel took some great photos in our class of things we have made.

Maybe Dantae will be an architect when he grows up?

Matthew also has a flair for building.

Addison enjoys the duplo too.

Hunter is super with striking the ball now.

Full focus and alphabet cards.

Discovery time, making bracelets.

Lockie and Maia can colour so very carefully.

Discovery time, Miah and Matthew making a Klikko model together.

Frankie made bracelets for her family!

We carried out a follow-up investigation and answered the question from Addison concerning the car.

Trevahn came to visit for the first time.

Number before and after...

Cooper can count up to 20 carefully.

We are talking about all the things we see on the cover of a new book.

C,k for castanets is a favourite!

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