Thursday 27 August 2015

Week six in Room One.

Hi everyone, thanks for visiting our blog! Sadly I was away sick on Monday and Tuesday so only have a few days worth of pictures to share with you but I hope these suffice to show you some of the great learning experiences we have had - including our 'den day' on Thursday as D is our letter of the week...
Jason started school on Wednesday

Keira came for her first school visit.

Show and tell - Isaac, who started school on Monday is loving his sharing time .

Addison modelling Frankie's tiara - the boys enjoyed being princes!

Den day snack time!

Can you see us under here?

Cooper has filled his sticker chart...

Rebecca has completed her second sticker chart!

Problem solving maths with Room Two, making bridges for the gingerbread man to cross the river...

Comparing who made the longest bridge (interestingly most of the children were sure theirs was the longest bridge!).

Eli received his writing goal certificate from a while ago as he had been off sick.

Eli and his homework certificate too...

... and a very proud Frankie with hers. Well done !

We have the story teller ZeBong coming on Tuesday (Please pay $4 to the office for your child) and Skipping September starts on Tuesday.
Have a lovely weekend!

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