Saturday 15 August 2015

Week 4 in Ngaio.

This week we celebrated our super homework students who regularly complete their 'Alphabet Book' work on the weekend - well done to you all!

Show and tell on the mat - Danate brought a car and ramp which fits in so well with our Unit focus of 'move it, move it'.

Georgia has been helping us whilst her class went swimming, it was great to have an older student  with us after lunch, label for a short period only until 2.30.

Making a 'domino run' - gosh it is tricky to keep them standing up!

Miah using our Mini Rainbows readers - the pen reads the story to us, it is amazing!

Sharing Galaxy Kids Maths programmes.

Amelia-Rose working on Lexia Core 5.

Rebecca and Amelia-Rose - what teamwork!

Hunter and Trevahn also chose to share their working together, we had a few bumped knuckles!

A visit from Birchwood Kindy for sharing time.

Frankie showing Keira her angel who is so precious.

We were fortunate to be asked back to Kindy to see their visiting fireman Peter Holland and learn all about fire fighters protective clothing. The children were completely fascinated.

We are already recycling oral health waster - we gave a number of old toothbrushes away into the recycling mouth. Remember we are collecting old toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes and caps (empty) and dental floss containers until the end of Novemebr for up cycling.

More wonderful homeworkers.

Kindly loved our book we made to share "Things you need to know about school' If you would like to read ours, come into the purple corner anytime.

This is Miah's crown from Disney on Ice.

In Maths we have been learning about length and on Wednesday everyone brought in a teddy or soft toy from home for our discovery maths time. We drew around our teddies, ordered them in height from shortest to tallest and fed them all a teddy cone - we needed 10 cones, one for each teddy (five children were away sick!)

Jaxson and Charlie at sharing time.

Working out how to sort the teddies - student led learning.

Isaac came on a visit to school... did Jaxson.

Sticking skills (Georgia loved it too) using 'padder bats' and tennis balls - trickier than it looks!

Thats the way to do it!

Miah was so kind to share.

I can do it!

We had a really frosty day and went out to feel he frost as our focus for writing. The children worked out that where the sun shines, the frost melts into water and the grass becomes green again. Ka Pai!

Noah was on a visit too.

Go, Matthew!

On our frosty walk off to find shadow where the frost remained.

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