Posting and commenting guidelines

Our classroom blog is a place for us to share our hard work and to continue discussions that we have started in class. Writing comments is an important part of that process. Students should be mindful of what they post to the Internet.  With that in mind, there are a few guidelines I would like for you to follow.
  1. When you write on the blog, use your first name only.  You may use your last initial but should never use your full name.
  2. Do not post your address, phone number, or email address on the blog.
  3. Never post comments that may hurt someone’s feelings or offend someone.
  4. Remember that blogging is about reading, thinking, and responding.
Posting reminders
  • Always use capital letters in the title.
  • It is important that our writing makes sense.
  • Try to make your writing interesting for the reader.
  • One space after each word.
  • Use capital letters, full stops and good punctuation.
  • Use Capitals letters for names, places, countries and cities.
  • Punctuation goes directly after the last letter followed by a space.
  • Use paragraphs in your writing.
  • Correct any spelling mistakes which have red lines under them.
  • When you have finished edit and read your work back.
  • Remember you have a worldwide audience – keep it positive and do your best.
  • Always add a picture to support your writing.
  • Make sure pictures are a good size to go with your work, check the preview to see how it will look.
  • Get the teacher to check your work before publishing it.

How to Write an Amazing Comment:

  1. READ the blog post very carefully.
  2. If you enjoyed the post, WRITE BACK!
  3. Open or begin your comment with a GREETING.
  4. Begin with a COMPLIMENT … something you enjoyed … be SPECIFIC!
  5. SHARE other interesting facts or information, if you have any, as long as no one else said it in another comment!
  6. Make a CONNECTION … by asking a question to try to get a CONVERSATION going!
  7. Proofread for C.O.P.S. (Capitals, Organization, Punctuation and Spelling).
  8. Sign your FIRST name, or if you are a parent sign as “Jimmy’s mom” or “Megan’s Grandpa”.
  9. Hit POST … and check BACK for a RESPONSE!

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