Thursday 5 September 2013

Weeks 5 and 6 in Room One

Apologies! I was away for the weekend last week and then sick for some of this week so have been very remiss and did not manage to publish a Blog for week five. I hope to make amends in publishing two weeks' worth of photos in one so I hope you enjoy them....
We had a special ceremony with the Kindy for the opening of the new pathway to school

Sign Language with Cathy in the library.

Row, row, row your boat on the mat!

Sharing time - Malachi made a special box for Fathers Day at Bunnings.

Jolly Phonics matching words, letters and pictures - well done Hadlee.

Evelyn and Mira at sharing time.

Early tennis skills - Cameron  and Chantelle

Well Done, Vinny you have completed two sticker charts already!

Kapa Haka with Mrs Malthus in the hall.

Suzanne our tennis coach.

Making rabbit books to take home.

Playing together int he sand pit.

Tyler loving tennis skills.

Welcome to Room One, Jack! 

Look what Jack can write already!

More tennis games, ball control.

Mira learning to use the computer keyboard.

Look what Chali can write!

Stella enjoying painting during discovery time.

More tennis!

Bella also loves to paint.

making our Fathers Day surprises.

Vinny has finished his truck for his Dad.

Maths games using dice - car race.

Exploring the Farm Game in Maths time, sorting and grouping.

Wow! Numbers are exhausting!

More dice games - ludo this time,

Hadlee and his number line, into the teens.

Matching and learning to play Toy Story dominoes.

Carey loved his farm and counting his animals.

hey well done girls, you ahve completed this number puzzle so well together!

We had a surprise visitor - Patrick brought the baritoone sax. he is learning to play at Nayland to show us.

Cameron can count accurately to 10 now.

That amazing instrument is taller than Mira!

Ben loves counting too.

Working hard again!

Stella has completed her first sticker chart.

Welcome to our school, Tyler!

We are doing science experiments and added red dye to the water we kept our flowers in .

Chali said we 'made magical creations' - she is right!

Throwing skills too.

Play dough numbers in Maths.

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