Thursday 12 September 2013

Week seven in Room One.

Welcome to the Room One Blog! This is an opportunity for you to enjoy some of the learning from our busy, exciting week at school. We have enjoyed a visit back to Birchwood Kindy (there is a little laminated book from this visit for all to enjoy in our purple corner) in addition to welcoming visitors, raising funds for Canteen and exploring new science.
Connor came on his first school visit this week.
Letter of the week - our letter of the week this week was 'e' so we loved making elephant masks and these went home with the children this week . We sang the elephant on a spiders web song with the ukulele and had a ball.

 Signing with Cathy - our sign language lesson this week was in our classroom as the lbrary is being set up ready for the Scholastic Book Fair. Cathy taught the children a super game again.. apple, banana and orange...
 Exercise in the morning - Hearty Fun!!
 Visiting Kindy - what a super morning in spite of the rain!
Listening carefully to the story and music.

Kindy listening to Gaye - a super group.
 Lollipops - recently 'l' was one of our new sounds with Jolly Phonics and I promised the children a lollipop each (naughty teacher!). The pack I bought from the supermarket only had 17 so I collected more at the Wellington University open day recently and shared these out. This was the stimulus for our writing on Tuesday.

Which elephant do you recognise?

Mmm our lollies were delicious!

Bella carefully colouring in her elephant mask.

Bandanas! Raising money for Canteen - children with cancer.
 Science experiment - our experiment this week involved placing Skittles in water and waiting a LONG time to see what happened . Some of the children expected explosions and were really fascinated to see the colour come off the sweets and go to the bottom of the water. Colours did not blend as long as the water was still and the S on top of the Skittle floated off. Ask your child if they can remember why these things happened! (Well done Cameron for remembering today!)

Elephants on the web.

The boys loved watching and waiting.

More elephants!

Look what happened...

Read the student voice - amazing for five year olds I think!

Luca had his second school visit - this photo was taken on our Kindy visit.

Jack making music.

Wow look at Tyler - he is awesome!

Swinging - Ella and Evelyn.
 Discovery Time - During discovery, we like to introduce new experiences and I wanted to show how a sewing machine worked... each child had the opportunity to choose a piece of fabric, write their name on it and to watch it being made into a 'throw'. One comment was "ooh look, it's getting bigger!" This is an ongoing project.

Listening Post in Discvoery Time - Jolly Phonics is a hit!

"How does it do that?"

Making junk models - Carey's was superb.
 Our own books - every term my class have the chance to make a book of their own over time and this week these were laminated and finished. They were given out to those who made them and now are hanging on the wall in the purple corner for all to read. Please come and enjoy them with your children.

Swimming starts. We will be in the pool EVERY day so please make sure to bring your togs and a tog bag! Information has gone home about swimming , meet us at the pool for our lesson at 1.30 if you would like to.
Monday - Sharing time.
Tuesday - Visit to the library for the book fair and Bible in School.
Wednesday - Discovery (no library books out this week)
Thursday - Buddy reading with Room 7 and sharing time.
Friday - We will not be in assembly today. Sign language lesson with Cathy.

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