Monday 30 September 2013

Last week of our third term...

Happy Holidays everyone! Can you believe we have come to the end of term already? Nine of my lovely children are moving on to Room Two so at the beginning of term four there will be a class ready for our new five year olds. I hope you enjoy the photo record of our last week, when we had swimming every afternoon and a jolly shared picnic last Friday.
Thank you for visiting our Blog!

Everyone loves bringing something special from home to talk about..
Hadlee and Evelyn

Stell has a magic Barbie whose skirt changes colour...


Corey has a spiderman car.

We looked at the physical changes of popcorn for our science and used it as a writing focus (also got to eat it - added bonus!)

Maths games - Three Bears Bingo.

'Shopping' counting one to one.

Ben loves popcorn too.

More Maths games with dice and number identification.

Cody is writing for himself.

Look at Vinny swim!

Bible in school - everyone was presented with their very own bible to keep forever!

We even have one for our class too.

Enjoying looking at the bibles.

Wow Ben, you have filled your sticker chart - awesome!

Shared picnic on our last day at school.

More swimming...

Playtime in the pool.

Maths - tens frames.

Have a super break and see you next term - good luck to Chali, Stella, Mia, Hadlee, Ella, Evelyn, Malachi, Vinny and Carey as they move to Room Two. It has been a pleasure to teach you all...

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