Thursday 22 September 2016

Last week in term three 2016 for Ngaio learners.

Kindly came to join us for Show and tell on Monday.

Eddy brought a motorbike to show us all .

Riley loved playing Maddie's new ukulele.

Tahlia and Miela having a good old natter!

After swimming and a late late lunch we are ready for maths games in groups.

Oliver made up his own game with a clothes peg picking up tiny objects from a kete.

Noah likes puzzles.

Riley H is learning to count jelly beans.

We enjoy draughts.

Brooklyn came in her first visit this week.

Oliver and Noah making up the words to name the objects with a little help.

We enjoy alphabet puzzles too.

Yay! Swimming every afternoon is awesome.

Time for Core 5 programmes,

Playing with Room 2.

Tyler is a puzzles expert.

G.A.T.E. group planned Olympics for us on Wednesday.

Eden was visiting and Daniella looked after her beautifully.

A super game in pairs.

Being creative.

I discovered how to get Parker eating - call all his food something that a lizard would enjoy....

Mrs Little had her 50th birthday on Wednesday.

We are so brave!

Brooklyn ready for school in her new uniform.

We were invited to Eden's leaving celebration at Kindy - what fun!

Whoa, Parker is ace!

Great jumping Noah.

Look who we met at the pool! Ashdyn!

Mason wrote his name today for the first time (Loud Shirt Day raising funds for cochlear implants)

Kamryn is learning to write from left to right.

Ruby helped Kamryn so beautifully.

We filled our jar of good choices (marbles) and had a den day with our own toys from home.

Eating in our dens was fab!

Time for 8 of my super starts to move on to Karaka...

I'll miss you all...

... but will see you every day...

... and still love you to bits!

Have a GREAT holiday and see you in October!

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