Saturday 15 October 2016

Our first week in Term 4!

Welcome to our classroom blog, especially if this is your first visit. Through this medium my aim is to let parents and whanau know a little more about our activities in Ngaio class every week through my photo record. Apologies if this week is a little brief, I got hit with a vomiting bug and our school policy is 48 hours away after such a sickness so I missed your wee children on Thursday and Friday! Enjoy!
New children, new term, welcome to you all!

Monday and Thursday mornings we have show and tell sharing time on the mat, a great opportunity to make new friends and find out about each others' interests.

Oliver left his toy at home so drew it for us.

"What do you think of my fire truck? Neat!"

Riley J has completed his first sticker chart, ka pai, Riley!

So has Noah! Ko koe taku toa!

Monday saw the first of our tennis coaching opportunities...

Welcome everyone!

We are fortunate to have children from Room 10 helping us learn different maths games too.

Noah came on his first school visit from Kindy. He loves it here.

Caitlyn was tasked with writing all the words in the classroom she could read, she made a super list and could have done more had time allowed. Great reading and writing, Caitlyn!

We are exploring volume and capacity in the sandpit and showing full/empty/ half full/ nearly full/ nearly empty etc.

Riley loved writing in the sand with his rake - can you see the letters he is making?

More tennis with Suzanne.

Working together, playing 'squash the bug!'

Tyler and Riley are making friends.

Caitlyn has filled her chart too! Must make some more.

Maddison came visiting with her mum and Eva loved reading the alphabet to her - Eva was on a visit as well.

Discovery time this week we were learning the skill of persisting. Here you can see children making junk models for themselves, helping each other when they need support.

One of the activities was making a head from paper plates -some are in the purple corner for you to enjoy, some came home!

Another activity was colouring in with care - a real art form.This developed into a competition and the winners were Miela, Mieka and Tahlia.

Leo had great fun with the K-Nex!

More comparisons of capacity - based on the Three Bears - which bowl holds most, Mummy, Daddy or Baby bear? How could you check this out?

Time to eat the rice bubbles...!

Monday - Show and Tell, more tennis :)
Tuesday - Tennis again
Wednesday - remember your library book and bag, if you do not have a bag yet please bring a special bag just for your library book or purchase one from the office.
Thursday - Show and Tell
Friday - Whole school assembly at 2.30, do join us if you can.

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