Friday 2 September 2016

Week six - the arrival of our chicks!

On Monday afternoon we joined with Karaka class (Room 2) for superb scooter safety. 
This has been a really exciting week in Ngaio classroom, which has been the focus of attention for many of our students here at Birchwood as a result of the arrival in school of the wee chicks I hatched out in an incubator at home in order to continue our inquiry learning which somehow entered around Life-Cycles. this topic was completely led by the class and their interest and consequent knowledge is incredible. If you are able to book a slot for our stent-led conferences on Thursday afternoon, your student will be able to tell and show you so much! See you then.

Will and Sheila.

Listening intently - we have introduced helmet wearing for all scooter and cycling here at school as a result of this afternoon.

Great focus.

Keep that head safe!

Learning how to stop by hopping off onto both feet.

Learning safe braking on a slope.

Add captionWow, Rafe has made real progress in Early Words and can read six new words incredibly fast now.

Kaden has begun to draw detailed pictures of his ideas.

Our visit to Kindy is always a real success, here Maddie, Caitlyn and Noah are using the equipment very responsibly.

Tahlia loving the spinning tyre with Ruby and Eden.

Magic water. It is green in the tub yet blue in the funnel.... do you know why? Eddy and Rafe do!

Our chicks in class for the first time - aged two days old!
( re chick photo) I am still not brilliant at posting photos. This one should be further down the page...!
Our rich task in Maths was "Mrs Savill had 7 eggs in the incubator, only six hatched - what would this look like? When the eggs hatched, they each became two pieces, can you show that?" 

Zak even drew the heat pad and water drinker!

Everyone had a story to tell about their drawings to illustrate this statement.

We are learning to skip - it takes a lot of concentration.

Newly hatched!!!

These were the eggs the chicks hatched from.

Aged one day at home, learning to peck.

We filled out 'Jar of good choices' and the reward was a pyjama day for my class - what fun, Maddie is a donkey today!

N.Z.S.L in our P.J's

Discovery time - painting

Building a marble run together.

Making concertina books..

P.M.P in the hall....

...with Mrs H.

Sandpit play.

Hoop constructions.

Library time, Mrs Little was on holiday so Sue was our super librarian.

What awesome reading!

Sharing a story.

Miela loves her choice of book.

Parker in his new top.

Having a cuddle with a book to read together is great.

Back to class.

Chick close up- see the black one? We have two of these, what a surprise!

Colour mixing with Mrs Lawrence.

Time to show Mrs Savill how much we know - Eddy can order numbers up to 20 even when most of them are missing!

Great number writing Tahlia.

Welcome to Room One Ruby you are delighted to be here!

Maddie and Ella, learning upper case letters with Core 5.

Kaden on his Core 5, intently listening and working so carefully.

These are my two Early Word students and they are coming on so fast!

Great homework from our new children thank you at home.

Rafe has completed his first level of Core 5 now.

Thanks for reading our blog!
Monday - Show and Tell as usual (please let me know if you can be a parent helper for when we go tree planting tomorrow).
Tuesday - Tree Planting down at the Monaco reserve. Please wear gum boots. We will believing at 1100 so if you are a helping parent/grandparent/ caregiver please arrive just before the end of morning tea.
Wednesday - No library time today due to the P.U.M .  Children who have returned collection slips , please collect at 1230 . 
Thursday - Show and Tell in the morning. Student led conferences in the afternoon /early evening. Please reserve your time slot online. If you are not able to book by computer please come and talk with Mrs Smith in the office who can book you in. This is a great opportuntity to share in your childs' education and I look forward to seeing you then.
Friday - Whole School Assembly at 2.30, we have the writers spot. If your child is reading their work I will let you know in advance.

Have a great week!

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