Thursday 15 September 2016

Week eight in Ngaio class - our first week of swimming.

What a superb show and tell session - a taking walking dinosaur and Peppa Pig, a friend for our George!

Jayden brought his set of make it yourself cars.

Riley was fascinated.

Caitlyn has a beautiful writing set.

Eddy had a car to show and Tahlia made a ramp for it to drive down.

Parker was so kind, he let everyone have a turn with his remote controlled dinosaur.

First day of swimming.

Can we all get in?

We are brave enough to pour water over our ears.

We love taking our toys for a walk on the float boards.

Oh Wow! My feet do actually touch the bottom!!


Sandpit time was all we could cope with after all that swimming...

Rafe on Core 5 with Georgia on hand in case he needed assistance.

Jonty was brilliant with Maddie.

Alexandra loved helping Tahlia and Mason with the man puzzle, they had a super game matching shapes and colours.

Welcome, Kamryn!

We can write our stories and letters on the activboard.

Reading together in the library is great.

Welcome Oliver!

Ashdyn was visiting.

Rusty was visiting.

Ruby brought her lamb to share.

Leo came on a visit too.

Ella is awesome! I think she should be a teacher when she is grown up.

Rafe is finding Early Words gives him super confidence now when reading.

Swimming every day and real confidence is coming.

Handprints for us all.

Kaden has filled his last sticker chart - he need to go to Room 2 now!!

Liam Malone has now won three medals at the Paralympics, a silver and two golds! He is an ex Birchwood student and came to show us his blades two years ago. We sang a song and video it for him and posters too.

Friday swim - what a difference from Monday!

Great home workers...


...... so proud of your efforts.
Transition to Room 2 begins for eight of my students
Monday to Friday we need our togs.
Monday:Show and tell, Kindy join us.
Tuesday  normal day
Wednesday Library
Thursday Whanau time at 11 and a visit to Kindy
Friday last day in Ngaio for 8 of my lovely students, G.A.T.E olympics session and LOUD SHIRT  DAY (gold coin donations please)

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