Saturday 11 June 2016

Weeks five and six in Ngaio class.

Ewan filled his star chart just before heading off to room 3.
This week, I have put two weeks of life in our class into one blog post as week five I was mostly away sick (hence not many photos) and then last week, week six, was a very short week due to Queens Birthday weekend and a Teacher Only Day on the Tuesday. Enjoy!

We had such excitement as I had visited a charity shop nd bought two bags of new toys for my class. Here you can see them waiting to be told to open their eyes to look at what I had found! (Some were too excited to wait, however)

Everyone was encouraged to find something new to explore.

Each new toy was then the focus for today's writing...

Vince and Zane trying out a new dominoes with triangles.

Discovery time on Wednesdays always has the opportunity to make something with equipment whether that is mobilo,
K-nex, lego, duplo or  polydron.
Naleah made an elephant

Writing cards to our loved ones - a great reason for writing.

Jayden loves creating.

Postcards to our friend Imogen who was at our school earlier this year, or was it last year? 

Time to leave Room One for the next class - 'bye Bella.

Good-bye, Emma!

'Bye Ewan!

'Bye, Zane!

Ka kite, Clinton.

Haylie has already filled her first sticker chart in my class.

Maddie is holding the new book we all contributed to, it tells other children what to expect when they come to join our classroom, each page is made by a child in Ngaio class with their own idea of something a new child needs to know.

Maddie started school last week...

Waiting for the helicopter to arrive...

Here is Isla, she won a colouring competition organised by Westpac and won a trip to school in a helicopter - it was her birthday too!!

Discovery last week, we made helicopters from straws.

The children made a school - it was closed until the prices had been written on the labels of course.

Miecke chose a puzzle.

Aneisha is learning how to skip.

I was delighted by he games the children came up with using the hoops. What superb co-operation.

Kobie loved making her propellors turn .

Opening time..

..or not??

The sandpit was turned into a volcano range.

Mr Butterworth celebrated his 60th birthday so every class visited him during the day and added another scarf around his neck. In case you are wondering about the hair and beard.... that was what he used to look like in earlier years!

Library time.

Rate started school this week.

Alex and Kayla taking home their K.I.T books with their super writing progress. (Keeping In Touch)

We were so fortunate to have Nicolle from Stoke Montessori with us last Thursday, she came to observe but loved joining in.

Kobe brought a doctors set to show and tell on Thursday.

We have been learning to solve number problems and here you can see our ducks at Isel Park. If you would like to find out more, come and view our Maths books.

Mrs Lawrence was teaching when Mrs Savill was on CRT and here you can see Miela explaining her understanding to the class.

NEXT WEEK we start gymnastics.
Monday - Show and tell, Kindy visit us, we go to Levity Beat and we have visitors from another class sharing their Matariki learning with us.
Tuesday - Tahlia is on her first visit.
Wednesday - Ms McCauley is our teacher, Mrs Savill is on a PB4L course, library day too so remember to bring your book back in order to get a new one.
Thursday - Show and Tell plus New Entrant parent meeting so Mrs Lawrence will be here early for the first part of the day.
Friday - We are doing writers spot in assembly with Room 3! Two of our children will share their stories.

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