Thursday 23 June 2016

Week eight in Ngaio classroom was a busy, busy one again!

These are our marvellous meals we took home last week as placemats! (I forgot to add this picture last week!!)

What amazing little learners - this is before school, totally their own head, well done Naleah, Miecke and Alex!

Show and tell on a Monday is always excellent - here Jayden is excited to share his new book from his Grandmother.

Haylie has an 'adults' colouring book and boy, can she colour carefully - Naleah loved joining her and I was so impressed by the way Haylie let all the other children take a turn too. What a great friend.

Sol was excited to compete his first sticker chart.

Our warm-up for gymnastics involved being animals - can you guess what these creatures are today?

We are learning to bounce off the mini tramp onto the mat followed by a forwards roll!

Maddie has awesome balance.

Eddy has completed his first sticker chart too.

We began learning about size this week - Rafe found something short and something long.

Comparing our heights with the children's collages in our foyer...

To do this we need to put our feet in the same place as the collage children or they are much much taller that us!

Aneisha has completed her first sticker chart..., so has Kaden!

Kayla has been in Ngaio longer and her third chart is already full!

Discovery time on Wednesday, making a creature farm, Vince and Miela worked on this together.

Wig Wednesday and look at cute Maddie!

Sharing at the play dough table is always fun.

Look at these road builders of the future!

Having a circle drawing competition...

Making wigs, here is Kobie.

....and Jayden....

....and Alex.

What whole school treat on Wednesday afternoon to have the Iconic Duo (Zariyah and Shilah who used to come to Birchwood) dance for us.

Some children were chosen by the duo to dance with them - Miecke was one!

Riley came on his first school visit.

Sol shared his new shoes at show and tell on Thursday.

Parker came on his second school visit on Thursday (two visits in once week, how excellent).

Here is Parker.

Jayden loves to write and Haylie loves to help.

Play dough letters.

Beau was so proud of his h and t.

English from Room 5 was with us that afternoon and he put the letters together and told my class it made 'th' sound, we agree, "wiggle, wiggle digraph, two letters, one sound" (ask your child if you do not know what we are talking about!

Three students from Room 9 performed their leavers song they have made for their student teacher. Great to hear their musicianship.

Friday is 'Casey the Caterpillar' letter formation day - you can see how proud Eddy is of his whiteboard writing.

Rafe is making letter shapes too.

Golly, Miela is making super progress.

Our problem solving today was making a ruler 10 teddies long....

..... and using it to measure things in class. We will do more of this next week as we only just about managed to make our rulers...

Beau is flying, he measure his drink bottle, realised it was less that his teddy ruler length and so measure with teddies to find how long it was. Go, Beau, what a problem solver you are!!

Alex was delighted to take his K.I.T book home again to show his parents his progress in writing, we all agreed how far he has come since this book began. Well done, Alex!

Kayla knows so many letter sounds now she earned another certificate and her writing is looking fabulous.

Beau has filled up his first sticker chart as well.

Friday afternoon we went up to the senior part of the field to use their equipment.

Goodness gracious, Haylie and Aneisha can climb up one side and down the other already!!

This is a tricky one...

Eddy will soon learn to climb over as well.

Monday - Mrs Savill is on PB4L so Ms McCauley is in Ngaio. Remember to bring your show and tell.
Tuesday - we go and visit our Kindy friends. Bring a teddy or soft toy to school today please for our rich maths tasks.
Wednesday - HOPEFULLY we are going to the museum today - this depends if we can get extra help with driving as we are 8 children spaces short... I will send a note home on Tuesday to let you know! Bring back your library book.
Thursday - Show and tell.
Friday - a normal day!

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