Wednesday 1 June 2016

Week four in Ngaio class.

Welcome to our blog, albeit a little later than normal (sorry, I've been, and still am, sick!)
Here you can see our wonderful 'Show and Tell' sharing time which we have every Monday and Thursday morning as an opportunity for oral language. It's always really interesting to hear the children talking together and exploring each other's interests.

As part of our health unit we are learning how to keep safe and avoid spreading germs! This is part of the Kleenex 'Sneeze Safe' programme and the children are showing the 'glitter germs' spread from one hand to another by simple everyday actions! We have learned to "Trap it" (our sneezes, in a tissue) "Bin it" (pop the tissue in the bin, not the recycling!) and "Wash it" (our hands, afterwards). If you would like to try the glitter experiment at home simply dampen a hand , sprinkle some glitter on, then go and shake hands with a friend / hug them etc and see where the glitter goes! The glitter dots were our 'sneeze bugs'.

Mile started school this week - welcome to Ngaio, Miela.

Rate visited again and showed he is amazing with Lego.

As part of our transition process, we 'go back' to Birchwood Kindy twice a term and here you can see Jayden comforting his little brother who has only just started at Kindy. What an excellent big brother you are, Jayden!

Kobie and Haylie made caked with Sol.

Eddy enjoyed the transit with Zane.

Beau amazed himself, learning from Haylie how to be brave and become a climber.

The girls are taking turns on the spinner, i have no idea how they can whizz round and around, they go SO fast and love every minute!!

Aneisha and Miecke on the monkey bars, sharing agility ideas.

Tyre swinging.

And back for kai in our classroom.

One of our recent art projects, involving mixed media - collecting Autumn leaves for inspiration, rich language and, later, leaf rubbing and dye.

We took this photo for our class book "Something you need to know about school is..." for Kindergarten children coming to join our lovely class. Clinton and Bella were away so missed the photo opportunity..

A chance for painting in Discovery time.

Dressing up is so popular, especially using the hats and wigs.

Ewan made an intricate machine.

Nails, patiently waiting for a turn with the blue paint.

Miela was incredibly kind, offering to hold the paint for Sol in order that he could use it more easily!

Show and tell again.

Material maths, explaining to each other how we arrived at our answers when making a given number, having started with two counters already...

Play dough maths using our special mats.

Dominoes - it was really fascinating to hear the children discussing their plans how to play together.

Whereas Haylie and Kayle made a house!

Eddy decided to make the right number of balls for each numeral from his play dough, rather than form the numeral. Great thinking skills, Eddy!

Moving onto our next writing book means taking the old one home - great to see the development from picture drawing to using sounds and letters.

Ewan is delighted to be a write now! Zane is too, but less demonstrative.

Alex is on his second book as well, enjoy your old books, everyone.

Haylie did three weeks of Alphabet homework last weekend!

Clinton is taking home his best work to show his whanau.

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