Thursday 30 June 2016

Week nine in Ngaio class, a fabulous one!

Continuing our study of measurement, the children used their ten teddy rulers to measure things in the cals and find some the same length, some shorter and some longer. This is Kayla's record.

Before school, playing with own choice activities on our purple mat.

Zak came on his first visit.

We went over to see our friends at Birchwood Kindy.

Lots of activities to share - washing babies...

...playing outside with our friends....

... how can children spin like this? Makes me dizzy just watching them!....




..then back to class to take turns being the teacher and writing on our whiteboard.

We all brought our favourite toys to school for measuring and comparison.

The students worked as a team to order their toys from shortest to tallest.

"Where does mine go, Jayden?"

Working it out!

Drawing around our toys for the display we are making.

Mice needed two pieces of paper stuck together, her teddy was so big!

Jayden brought a very tall toy too!

We measured in blocks and were finding out that the blocks had to be all the same way around as if they are on their sides they are taller than when we click them together.

A great exercise in one to one counting!

Oh my goodness,I need more blocks!

Here are our toys cut outs ready for the wall.

Our letter this week is b so we made boats with a choice of materials.

Most of the girls chose to decorate the boat picture.

Whereas the boys chose to make boats they could sit their teddies in!

Aneisha is flying with her Core5 programme and loves to do it in the mornings, Alex wishes he had a license too!

Do come and see our display in the purple corner and see if you can answer the questions there.

Jayden came on his second visit - this is the photos week for him as he was wearing a wig last week! (Wig Wednesday)

Dressing up in Discovery on Wednesday was fun.

Thursday show and tell was great, we had Parker on a visit and friends from Stoke Montessori joined us for the morning until the end of morning tea time.

Miela brought her little music box to share - she got it from her Alice in Wonderland party.

A close up of sharing time.

What great engagement!

More filled up sticker charts!

Gymnastics pictures (not many though as I was too busy helping the children on their activity stations)

Whoops, balancing a quoit on your head whilst walking along a beam is really tricky when you are five! 

Monstessori friends.

A perfect cloak bay!

We could not resist going to see the new flags when they were put up for a photo shoot!

A great opportunity to discuss learners qualities and find the other posters around our school.

They are in the staff room too!

Bubbles on the deck - a super focus as out letter this week is b.

Touching bubbles and discovering what happens.

We are learning how to play with dice and to take the right number of steps t go with the number of dots not he dice. If you get a chance to play a dice game at home with your child, please grab that opportunity. Thanks!

Super co-operation and reading teen numbers too!

Reaching for the stars for our matariki art works.

Oh my goodness, Kobie needs chart number 4 already!

Great sticker collecting, Naleah you are a super helper!

We were unable to go on the museum trip this week as Wednesday was a really difficult day for helping drivers to be free and lots of children were sick, so Pohutukawa class shared their learning with us on Friday - what a great maths lesson that was, lots of measuring ideas!

Two children shared their amazing writing about their visit too.

Hooray for Core 5 learning successes!

We were awarded the We Care award for keeping our classroom so neat and tidy all the time! Sadly only nine of our fifteen children were well enough to be at school to receive this! Get week soon everyone!!

Monday - in the afternoon Nicky from the museum will be sharing world music with each of the Junior classes
Remember to bring show and tell too.
Tuesday - a normal day!
Wednesday - Library day and St.Johns will be coming to spend time teaching us how to respond to accidents in the home and at school.
Thursday - show and tell and whanau classes.
Friday - last day of term.