Thursday 14 August 2014

What a super week, week four.

Sharing time :)

Welcome to Alecia who started school on Monday.
 We have continued into week two of swimming and the children are learning so very fast it is a delight to watch them all turning into little fish!

 We are learning about 'The X-Factor" - what makes a person a leader and here is Jaydyn explaining why his Mum is a role model.

Welcome to School Leo - first day was Monday this week.

We have Jack too - so great to have twins! Welcome Jack.

 This week also saw the first school visits for four new children...



 Discovery Time on Wednesday had a Maths focus… although some children chose to colour in as well.

King brought his toy to share

As did Harrison...

…Jack and leo shared their toys too.
 We have been using our whiteboards to write words we know this week as well - we do this lots and put the boards in the classroom window so our parents can share our writing with us.

King has completed his first sticker chart already.

Rasharna finished hers too!

Eight children will be moving on to Room Two next week as we have a new member of staff, Miss Hodgman who is very excited about starting up in her new classroom - hope you enjoy seeing these super children with their leavers certificates complete with mini photo record of their time with me in Room One!








Well done everyone for an amazing week and looking forward to seeing you next week!
Love from mrs Savill

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