Friday 29 August 2014

Week six.

Mrs Little was away so Riley helped issue our books on Wednesday, thanks Riley!

Leo made a heart for Mummy.
Our Buddy Class is Room 7 and every week they help us with our reading - we read to them and they share their books with us, it's perfect!

 We have been studying measurement this week and here you can see Max hard at work, carefully measuring with a piece of string - go Max!
 We know exercise is very important for healthy hearts and here are the children enjoying one of our Hearty Fun dances… cool sports!

Time for Brain Food!

Jack came on his first visit, welcome Jack!
 More measuring, this time ordering towers - everyone made a tower to from Duplo the same height as a chosen object then as a class the children ordered their towers in height.

Spencer ordering his cuisinaire rods.
 Our letter this week is C and we made cat masks - I hope you recognised your children when they came home!

Who do you know?
 Every Thursday we have been rotating around the classes for Te Ao Kori, Room one and two amalgamated and went to Room Five with Mrs Malthus.

Patrick my son came home from University and came to see the children - he joined inout Sign Language lesson then stayed for Brain Food and even helped with the story writing. Thanks Patrick!

Maximus has completed his sticker chart!

Our X-Facot new Zealander this week was Kate Shepherd who is  on the ten dollar note - now your children know the names f the famous faces on the $5 and $10 notes.

Arrayah has completed her first writing goal sheet :)

Gaye from Kindy came to collect our visitors Liam and Lily who start in Room One  next week!

Wow Harrison, you have completed your first writing goal sheet too.

What a great week for Max!

Discovery time - colouring in is a favourite activity !

Building a volcano together in Discovery - Alecia, Jack and Alissa.

Maths week - one of the questions in the hall today.

We won the 'We Care' Award again - we are amazing at keeping our room tidy!

Discovery - making necklaces and bracelets from beads donated by Logans family - Thanks Logan!

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