Thursday 21 August 2014

Week five - half way through term one already!

We had a 'getting to know the routines' walk on Tuesday morning and had a go at sitting in the assembly hall in order to be ready for assembly on Wednesday afternoon

Chloe came on her first school visit this week on Thursday.

Hazel was on a visit - you can see her in this picture in the hall.

Harrison brought 'Woody' for Show and Tell .
Our letter of the week this week is L and today (Friday) we made lions, had a poem about lollipops and even were given a lollipop each to take home - it is very rare for me to give the children treats like this and I like them to check with their parents if it is O.K. to eat them.
Who can you see behind their lions?

Oh, Max, Harrison and Klyde are peeking!

Hazel had her first visit to school too.

Sharing time - Mason and Hamish.

So who are these lions I wonder?

Leo loves the magnifying glass.

Part of our walk - a trip to meet the office staff.

We were ordering ourselves in terms of height...

Hi Alecia!

This is the friendship bench - children can sit on this at play and will be collected by a Peer Mediator or another child to play a game.

We are learning about leaders in our X-Factor topic and this week we learned all about Sir Edmund Hilary who climber Mount Everest.

The other end of our height line - haven't worked out how to put two photos next to each other yet - sorry!!!

We were given these vest by the Birchwood Kindy, a whole box! How useful they will be if we are out together and need to be highly visible!

Mask making- this is Spencer.

Learning about length and making our bodies as long as we can.

Harrison during our practical Maths worm making activity.

Hi Hamish!

Klyde started school this week. Welcome Klyde!

Arrayah's worm was long and fat.

Mask making.

We went on a visit to Birchwood Kindy .

Golly, Jack look how long your ladder is!!

So - thats a snapshot of our week, Discovery will be up in the foyer for you to enjoy on Monday once I have collated and printed it - remember to look out for the pictures of Rooms One and Two discovering together how to ask to join in with games and activities.
Today your children brought home tickets for the family movie night next Friday.
Next week is Maths week and all children will be issued with a Mathletics log on so they can join in with games at hoe as well as at school on the computers.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Savill

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