Friday 16 August 2013

Week three already!

Welcome to the Blog for our third week this term already. This has been another wonderful week which saw us visiting the Museum in Nelson for a wonderful workshop with Nicki finding out about instruments from all over the world!Many many thanks to those fabulous parents (you know who you are) who made themselves available as drivers - it made running the trip possible).
Room One listening to Nicki explaining where we were going in the museum.

We wear special gloves to handle special instruments.

We love sharing time!
Tyler had his second school visit - and loved it!
A little photo of some of the class handling their instruments and listening carefully.

Chali has a Maths game she shared with her friends.

These are the 'blowing' instruments.

We had a visit from Booster Rooster who came to tach the children about the importance of safety in cars through using booster seats. Booster Rooster recommends a car seat until your child is 148cms tall - special height charts and a certificate came home this week in order that you may measure your child and record their height. The new law which is coming into force in November is that children should be in a booster seat until the age of 7 .

Janice Oliver from Get set go, Tasman, came to help us learn how to throw correctly. Remember 'start low, muscle man, throw!'.

This week we painted rainbows - they are fabulous and brighten the classroom.

More museum shots - we made a band!

Throwing outside int he sun - just room one this time - combining the classes means too many little people to help!
I do have some more pictures but at the moment my laptop will not let me load them! Apologies!

We had grasshopper tennis this week and this continues into next week and two weeks after that.I am signing off now as it is very late and I need to go home to tea!
Cheers, Mrs Savill.

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