Thursday 8 August 2013

Our second week in term three.

Wow! What an amazingly fast week that was, with so many things to do - Gymnastics, Kapa Haka, Discovery with Room two, NZSL, a visit to our friends at Birchwood Kindy,
 Bible in School and Library as well as 'mass' in Maths, Writing, Reading, making our own books, learning to colour mix paints... the list goes on!
Thank you, parents, for our 3-way goal setting meetings, it was a joy to have the opportunity to chat with you all, I really appreciate your time.
I hope you enjoy our photos record of this week and look forward to our visit to Nelson Museum next week!
Monday was sharing time, a great opportunity for oral language. Ella is showing Mira and Keira her headband.

Gymnastics - balancing on the 'high beam' now!
Vinny loved showing Malachi his transformer.

Kapa Haka for the Juniors in the hall on Friday with Mrs Malthus.

Corey and Ben sharing Corey's toys.
This week was Peace Week and we celebrated this on Friday by children being allowed to wear white mufti as white is the universal colour of peace. Room Fiver were incredible - by far the 'whitest' class so I wanted to share them with you - well done everyone for donating so kindly to The Peace Foundation - we raised $217. You are very generous.

Keira and Ella playing one of our Maths games - where do the numbers go?

Cody and Ben exploring an abacus each.

Evelyn and Mira chose to lace number cards.

Stella is learning to order her numbers to ten - she spotted that her numbers eight and nine needed to be moved around.

Some of the children loved the bean bag Maths challenge!
 Mass in Maths. We have been finding our about volumes this week and predicting whether or not a pot full of beads will fill another pot of a different shape. Many of us expected that if one pot was full then the other would be too...

"This one is not full!"

"How about this one?"

"My pot needs more to fill it!" After lots of hands on experience the children decided that pots of different shapes and sizes do not necessarily hold the same amount.
PAINTING. We are learning to mix colours to make new ones and to keep our brushes clean in between. This week everyone painted fruit on a colour wheel where the colours of the fruit on either side of a central fruit make the colour the middle fruit needs to be. If that is a confusing explanation, your children should be able to talk to you about that or come into class and enjoy our wall display.

Cameron started school this week on Monday - welcome Cameron!

Wow, look how many words Chali can write all on her own - all her own ideas too.

Hadlee was delighted to have completed his reading bookmark sticker chart.
 A VISIT TO KINDY. We love to go back to Kindy to see our friends and teachers there. it is a really important part of childrens transition to school, to be able to meet the older children who are already in Room One and to get to know me, their 'teacher to be'. Many of our New Entrants were at Birchwood Kindy before they turned five so going back is great for them too and we all look forward to spending time together.
To see more photos of our time together, again come into class, I have made a book about the visit, it will be ready by Tuesday.
Singing together.

Chantelle and Cameron helping out with the calendar.

Stella made a plane with only a little help.
As Discovery with Room Two was such a success last week we are so happy to be having this every Wednesday morning. Here are some of the activities from this week - again there is a display in our foyer you can enjoy with more photos. Mrs Probert was the 'camera person' this week.

Enjoying Big Books in the purple corner.

Dinosaur creative play.

We have fabulous artists here!

Vinny used the K-Nex to make insects and was chosen to 'share'.
When it is wet at breaktime, we are so fortunate that the older children choose to be monitors and spend time in our classes with our children so we can have a break for a cup of tea. Here you can see Bree and Sophie eating morning tea with my class.

Doughnut sharing is a super time and on Thursday we almost ran our of day! We quickly squeezed this opportunity in before we had to go home for the early finish due to Goal Setting Interviews.

La La loopsie fans! (Gorgeous!)

Welcome to Bella who turned five this week and began school on Wednesday , it is great to have Bella and Cameron with us now.

- Sharing time, art, i-pads and learning to throw with Janice Oliver from Get Set Go!
Tuesday - Museum visit for musical instruments from all over the world and Bible in Schools.
Wednesday - Grasshoppers tennis starts, and we have Get Wise this morning (all about money!) Remember the library.
Thursday- Discovery time today (due to Get Wise yesterday) and we begin Te Ao Kori. Sharing time today. There is a reading presentation after school at 3.15 in room one should you wish to attend. All welcome.
Friday - normal day! Whole school assembly this afternoon at 2.30pm.

Please remember to return permission slips for the museum trip and swimming information, You may pay for Grasshopper tennis and swimming at the office.

Thanks for reading this Blog and have a super weekend!
Mrs Savill

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog and seeing all the fun things that happen in the photos. Well done room one! Sharon (Ben's Mum)
