Thursday 22 August 2013

Week four in Room One (and a few pictures from week three!)

Corey has finished his sticker chart - well done, Corey!
Hello everyone and welcome to our Blog. Some of theses photos were from week three but I ran our of time to post them last week... Hopefully you will enjoy sharing them!

Jack has been visiting - he cannot wait until her turns five!

Mia has completed her sticker chart too !

We had a lovely visit from my friend Marnie who came to fix our Activboard.

We made musical instruments - following our visit to the museum, we experimented with making percussion...
We are having expert tennis coaching now from Suzanne at Grasshoppers and the children are loving it. Here you can see the concentration keeping our tennis balls on the racquet..

Making our shakers - filling them partially with rice or soup mix worked really well! We used the deck in case of spillage (there was lots) which ensured we kept the carpet in our classroom clean - we received the We Care award last week because we always try so hard to make sure our learning environment is clean and tidy - go Room One!

Suzanne helping Cody.
Our new discovery time is working very well with a variety of interesting options available to the children every week. The 'scrapbook display' changes every Monday morning in the foyer of Seaview block so please come and enjoy our record. Once the week is over, these lovely photos and records of your childrens' oral language are stored in the red file in out purple reading corner - everyone is welcome to borrow it for a read1

Captain Cashtastic visited in week 3 to teach us about money management courtesy of the ASB bank.

"Look at us, we're Ninjas!"

Wow! Stella has completed her sticker chart as well .

Our poem last week was about the dragon in our kitchen - it's a toaster, so we made toast and used this as the  experience for our instructional writing.

Painting discovery - Mia loves rainbows now we know how to mix colours.

Just a little bit of toast!


Evelyn has a boogie on the deck...

Joined enthusiastically by Ben..

Making labels for our shakers...
"We're making a race track!"

"Look I have made a rocket!"

How do we get in?

"Things I like" (for our own books).

Learning to use the sticks in Te Ao Kori.

So, that's a snippet of our time here at Birchwood..

Monday - Grasshopper tennis and sharing time - remember to bring something to talk about in class please!
Tuesday - Bible in Schools and Mrs Savill is on classroom release this afternoon so Mrs Lawrence will bet eating.
Wednesday - Library day, bring your book back in order to borrow a new one :) Tyler starts school today.
Thursday - Sharing again today.
Friday - Whole school assembly at 2.30pm all welcome.

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