Thursday 1 August 2013

Term Three, Week One...

Hi everyone, welcome to our first Blog of the new term, we have had three new children join us this week and are looking forward to two more next week so we have a bright and busy classroom. Do pop in and check out our artwork and make sure to look for the new Discovery Time display in the foyer of Seaview Block.
Ella has completed her sticker chart this week :)

Warming up for gym with our scarf game.

Hard at work - sorting animals groups in Maths by their heavy or light characteristics.

Having a chat with Mr Herrick about our showing news.
We are beginning a new topic this term all about Science - exploring what it means to be a scientist and looking at changes both physical and chemical. We had a whole school engager led by Mr Butterworth on the hall steps where he showed us some amazing reactions between materials...

Adding Alka Seltzer to explosive reaction!

Adding Mentos sweets to coca-cola... don't try this indoors, folks!

ART - we are painting this term so started off in art this week by making a painting of our own choosing.

Welcome to school, Nathaneal.

Ben can use scissors now - well done Ben!
All the children who helped with tree planting last term have been given a certifiicate to recognise their efforts - they are lovely to keep!

Wednesdays are library days. Here is Mrs Little introducing the new books to us.

Chantelle also started this week - welcome Chantelle.

Gymnastics - bunny hops on the bench.

Malachi has completed his sticker chart too.

Chali can now read all the sight words in our class- keep up the amazing progress Chali!





MATHS - Tricky bags. We have been exploring the terms  'heavy' and 'not heavy' (light) by using bags that look the same but have different weights. The children worked in pairs and made their pairs of bags heavy and light. It was great fun!

Buddy reading with Room 7.

Mira started school this week too.

So, what's happening next week?
Monday - Show and tell so bring something to share on the mat please. We have gymnnastics this morning too.
 Tuesday - A visit to Kindy this morning to see our friends, Bible in schools today too and laptop computers in our class this afternoon.
Wednesday - Grasshopper tennis coaching begins today, please ensure you have aid your $5 fee for the set of lessons to the office. Library day today and Discover Time after morning tea.
Thursday - Gymnastics today (the last of our gym sessions) and show and tell. This afternoon we have our 3 way conferences please ensure you have booked a time to come and chat with me with your child. School closes at 3pm today in order that we may all have our meetings. I look forward to helping you and your child set their goals for this term.
Friday - Peace Day. We will be wearing white today (or at least one item of white clothing) in order to show our support for Peace Week. Please bring a gold coin donation for The Peace Foundation if you can. Whole schoo assembly is at 2.30pm you are welcome to join us.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs Savill

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