Saturday 12 March 2016

Week six in Room On

Kayla, just happy to be here!

Clinton with his shoe - we have been learning to draw 'still life' and our shoes have been a focus.

Lillybelle with her shoe - last week we sketched them from the side..

This week from above, a 'birds eye' view.

Excellent for a five year old, don't you think?!

Story writing.

Using one of our tilt boards to aid pressure.

Making birds and spiders - have you seen them dangling from our ceiling yet?

Kayla has filled her sticker chart, go Kayla!

Kobie came on a visit - guess who is ready for Room One?

Sam had his first visit too, he loved being with us.

This is our nutrition learning in action with Reta - sorting foods into groups of everyday and special treat foods.

The children were awesome!

Just thought you'd like to see my beginners recorder group...

Problem solving maths on Friday involved the open ended task of /'make a slide for a teddy' - we had some super ones, which do you prefer?

Zane did great homework last week, this is his certificate of recognition.

We have our trip to the supermarket on Thursday, if you can be a helping parent please let me know, we will be leaving school as close to 0900 on Thursday as possible, lets hope it its super weather!

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