Thursday 31 March 2016

A short week, week 9.

Eddy had his first school visit... did Naleah...

.....and Haylie.....

.....and Kaden! Gosh what a lucky teacher I am to have such gorgeous children coming to my class!

Sharing time this week was really great, almost everyone brought something from home to show friends!

James had a car which Zane was very interested in.

Bella was fascinated by the aeroplane.

Vince built this Lego house at home and enjoyed showing his friends.

On Thursday it was off to our buddy class for reading time.

This is our class we share with and this week it was our turn to go to them.

We have been learning about the concepts 'more', 'less' and 'the same' and counting carefully to check our responses.

These chaps had a ball!!

Alex and Ewan concentrated really well and wanted to group their creatures as well as count them - good thinking!

Extending our nutrition knowledge and making an 'everyday' and a 'special occasion' trolley full of food...

We had a visit from Nayland College on Friday, they came to show the whole school some orchestral instruments as a special opportunity awaits those children interested in learning an orchestral instrument - just $50 a term! Monday's newsletter will have more information and forms are at the office if your child is interested.

A special week for Kayla, she caught up on all the alphabet homework and loved her certificate of recognition!

Problem Solving on Friday - matching cubes and building the missing part of the picture...

"I have no idea what to do with this cube!" 

"I think it goes like this, Zane"

Concentration at its best.

Next week Miss McCauley will be in Ngaio for Monday and Tuesday whilst I am on a course for Phonics and a PB4L training day. Everything will be planned and ready as usual and the children know I'll be back!
Have a great weekend - oh and our class photo was taken this week by Denelle as the official school ones will be in May and my class will have changed again by then so expect sample pics and an order form to come home in your childs' bag next week.

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