Thursday 4 February 2016

Welcome to Ngaio, 2016!!

Our first day, learning to play together.
Welcome to Room One, Ngaio's Blog. Through this medium I hope to be able to give you, as parents and visitors to our Blog, an insight into the learning in our vibrant classroom. Please leave a comment for us to enjoy together ....

Trying out some of our puzzles.

Exploring the to basket.

Enjoying the train table together.

The children set up shop...then a cafe.

We love the sandpit too.
We had five lovely new students who all started on the same day, here they are!

We have been writing our own names on the whiteboards.

It was SO exciting to go outside and find our own work, looking into the class from the path and new garden.

We can write our numbers too.

Show and tell is twice a week and a great opportunity to share our interests and toys with each other. Alex brought the monster truck he had bought with his own money, saved from doing chores. Ka Pai, Alex!

Clinton had a new drink bottle - it is lost now so if you find it please return to Ngaio classroom, thanks!

Zane showed us his musical tortoise all the way from Sri Lanka.He played a little tune for us to listen to.

We have a buddy class for reading and went to share our books with them on Thursday.

Reading buddies is great fun.

Here we are on the way back to our room, we can't wait for next week to buddy read again.

Way to go, Clinton, your first sticker chart is now full.

We have been exploring how to sort and group objects.

The children decided to 'sort' or group themselves into boys and girls - they were so quick to do this on Thursday.

We have less girls than boys.

We begin our swimming programme next week, notes came home today, please check your childs' bag for this. We will have sharing time on Tuesday and Thursday as we do not come to school on Monday.

Have a great weekend.

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