Thursday 11 February 2016

Our second week at school, Feb 2016.

Show and Tell on Tuesday this week as Monday was Waiting Day. Emma was on her last school visit.
I hope you enjoy this snapshot of our week - we have worked and played together really well and are getting to know each other in Ngaio.
Learning to write our letters outside - gross motor skills are so important. Her we are learning how to form an S correctly - 'open mouth, big belly' is what we say when we write S.

From gross motor writing to fine motor skills using a whiteboard pen. Often we put our work up in the window for you to enjoy too.

Lillybelle made a model from play-dough of her Mum playing the drums.

We are learning how to present informations as part of our 'statistics', sorting and grouping. This  big chart shows which children like apples to eat and those who do not.

Mrs Shepard is super, she began teaching Kapa Haka to us all this week.
 We went to visit our old friends at the Kindy (and made some new ones too) on Wednesday morning as part of our transition programme. I have made a book of photos if you would like to come into our purple corner and read it with your child.
Ash taught Zane how to hold scissors safely before they went and cut some lavender.

Ella on the bars.

Lillybellex can hang amazingly well!

Ewan loving the swings.

Water play.

Lining up to return to class.
 We are also having 'Discovery Time' once a week and this week our Key Competency was learning to share and to take turns, relating to others.
We took turns to paint today, waiting for the colours we needed to use and waiting for a turn as only four children could paint at a time at our bubble table today.

Sharing at the end of the session was great.

We are also learning to balance in different ways...Bella is doing really well!

Wow, look at Alex!

Our poem was 'A shady hat' and we presented it at assembly on Friday .

Lillybelle brought a vertebrae to show - she calls it her smily face bone!

Zane brought tree sap his Dad drilled from the tree in their garden.

James buddy reading with Riley in Room 7.

Children are fascinating, as soon as we put our our hoops for sorting groups they invented jumping and hopping games too.

Sorting out the equipment as a class.

Finding ways to pair the sorting groups.

Follow up activity in our workbooks.


Vince put all the dinosaurs of the same type together and counted them accurately.

Ewan made a rainbow.

Welcome, Emma!! At last you are five, you love being with us already.

Thank you to those parents who helped with swimming on Thursday this week - we have two more weeks to go to the pool, please continue to support us if you can!
Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a really busy and fun week in Ngaio! Thanks for the photos Melanie, it is great to see the pictures of tamariki and what they are learning. I can relate them back to conversations I have with James throughout the week. Nice to have that connection :)
