Sunday 20 December 2015

Week ten and Merry Christmas to you all!

What an exciting last week of school we had, as we presented our Celebration of Learning and the most incredible thing was that four of our class only started school last week (week nine) yet still joined in our waiata and sang so beautifully, learning the actions and loving every moment. This meant that 21 New Entrants all played a part - well done everyone!
The girls moko looked great!

Here is Clinton loving having his applied to his upper arm.

"Lie still Imogen, nearly done!".

We are awesome!

My girls ready to go - all seven of them.

The boys lining up - two photos with half one one side of the girl group....

... and half on the other!

Ella is a little whizz and completed her first sticker chart.

This was my class on the last day, before sending home photos for those moving on to Room Four.

On the last day of school I donned my 'Santa's little helper' outfit and Cooper took this photo before my mad hat played tunes and the children received their gifts.

Great excitement opening our pressies.

Look at my Christmas tree rubber/eraser.
 It is now traditional that every child who leaves my class receives a laminated certificate from me with a collage of photos of there time in Room One on the revers so here goes with all my 'movers' leaving us for 2016.

Te Pakira also completed her flower goal sheet for writing progress too this week!

When I was printing Keiras photo sheet I pressed print twice, so she got two collages!

I hope you all have throughly enjoyed this term, I know I have. Thanks so much for the lovely gifts and special cards, so thoughtful, and some of you Mums wrote the most amazing comments. Thank you! Have a safe and restful Christmas and enjoy the New Year.  I know I will be taking a break and we will probably bump into each other in the holidays. xx


  1. Merry Christmas Mrs Savill!! We hope you have a fantastic summer break - you deserve it! Keira will so miss being in your amazing classroom xx

    We love looking over your blog and seeing all the photos :)

    Denelle & Keira x

  2. Great job Ngiao, hope you have had a great new year and summer break!!! Awesome photos.
