Sunday 6 December 2015

Week eight in Room One, November 2015.

Ozzy has filled his first sticker chart already.

So has Charlie! What amazing children I have in my classroom!

We have been on a shapes walk, finding different shapes in our environment, Isaac found a rectangle to stand on.

Alice is in a triangle and Cohen is standing in his rectangle .

Gosh, we counted six - or was it seven- squares to stand in. Find this place in the courtyard and count them for yourself.

Our class logo is in an oval, a new shape for  many of us.

Whilst exploring shapes some of the children made incredible designs. Look at Clinton!

These lads are counting and checking up on each others totals.

Addison and Roman had great conversations around their shape constructions.

Show and tell is always popular...

Look at the Christmas Elf hat!

So cute!

Who could resist that grin? We all wrote letters to Santa this week (do come and read them on the wall in the purple corner) and everyone had the chance to don this awesome hat for a photo! Thanks Keira for sharing it.

Tennis coaching continued and we were balancing the balls on our racquets.

Playing catch and throw, ensuring the ball goes into the pond but our feet do not!

More capacity experimenting to find which bowl holds the most.

Salt dough lesson two.

Creatures of our own design.

Maths - individual time with Mrs Savill so see how much we know - you blew my hat off, Room One!

Alex had his first school visit.

Noah had his first school visit too.

One of our favourite stories is 'The otter who wanted to hold hands". Following this tale, we played at being otters and sleeping together in an otter raft holding paws...

Addison with his third full certificate.

Isaac with his second!

We are so good at keeping our classroom tidy at the end of the day that we received the "We Care' award again in assembly on Friday, well done Room One.

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