Thursday 16 July 2015

Our last week, term 2, 2015.

Gymnastics has been a focus this term and here you can see come of us on the obstacle course.

Hunter is getting really good at balancing.

Alphabet and letter fun. 
Isla almost made her whole name!

Lockie is doing so well with his writing now he was helping with the modelling book this week.

Elaine brought some of the Kindy children to pick up Frankie - almost all of these students will be at Birchwood  soon! Wow!

The games gala was this week - here we putting the finishing touches to our games.

Time for 'Ka Kite', farewelling our visitors.

Barbara brought children to collect Cooper when he was visiting - he starts at Birchwood very soon.

Joel and Rebecca, showing their maths, matching tens frames, dot patterns and numbers to ten. Well done you tow!

Lockie is so proud of his progress and so am I.

Eli and Amelia-Rose worked really well as a team too.

We visited Nelson Intermediate to use the gym facilities on our last day of the term, what a treat, Thanks so much to parents who helped with driving.

Amelia-Rose was born to climb!

Miah liked the hoops.

Hunter and Dantae, balancing on the beam.

Well done Hunter filling your first ticket chart already.

Problem solving math on Friday with Room 2.

Eli and Maia adding legs to their pigs for problem solving.

Judah and Lockie making pigs and people.

Bradley made two people each with two legs.

A lovely session as two classes worked to help each other.

Joel and Amelia-Rose have completed their first set of writing goals.

Dante can read 'see' with no help now. Go, Dantae!

We begin back at school on Monday July 20th, see you then!

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