Thursday 30 April 2015

Week two was a short but fun week in our room!

Jazzer was awesome - a bumble bee landed right on her face and she did not move a muscle! I encouraged her to stay as still as a statue and told her the been thought she was a flower - it even walked up to her eyelids and was feeling her lashes... I took it onto my hand and when it was warm in the sun it flew away happily. What a super star you are,Jahzel!

Miah came on her first visit and had a lovely morning.

We are learning about shapes and the children sorted shapes into groups, their first choice was hard and soft shapes!

Sam has filled her first sticker chart - Ka Pai Sam!

Hunter had his first visit and was excited to be in Room One.

We were planning a party for Friday, for Judah's insulin pump, Bobbie. Here we were making our party hats.

K-Nex building in Discovery time - our key competency was communication and we used lots of language together.

Welcome to school, Matthew!

Making a domino line of shapes with a characteristic the same - all of Lockie's shapes have four sides and so do Bodie's.

Macey started school on our mufti day, welcome Macey!

Bobbie had a present - Mrs Savill made him a sleeping bag. Judah chose the fabric, it is very soft!

All good parties include popcorn!

Judah's family came to our party and so did Mr Herrick, here you can see Judah's dad making balloon animals.

Ava loves her pink balloon!

Super homework recognition for great workers....

Macey and her welcome certificate.

Well done, Lockie, you can now write your name so beautifully!

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