Monday 13 April 2015

Our last week in term one, 2015.

Leah can now read all the sight words in our class - superb!

This is our 'indigenous performer' Sean who came on the last Monday of term to  educate and inform us, he was totally amazing!he even made fire using a fire stick... (thankfully he didn't set the smoke alarms off!)

Making fire.

Boston had traditional face paint on him - it is ochre.

We went on a visit to Kindy to see our friends there, Holly loved it.

Bradley enjoys the work bench so much.

Addison has completed her second sticker chart - go, Addison!

Tyler has filled his too, what a superstar.

Phoenix has completed her first chart - she will received a new one next term.

Making easter cards together.

Discovery time, making a new class blanket - here the children are learning how to handle pins safely.

Kiri helping stick the eggs onto the cards.

"Wow, Mrs Savill, it's amazing!"

Bella made up stories with the finger puppets.

Tyler created an incredible model.

Every child in my class gets to make a book all about themselves, these were received at the end of term.

It was great to see the children sharing their books with each other.

Tabloid Sports day was dry this year!

Bradley was in G group.

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