Thursday 26 February 2015

Week four 2015, Room One.

Welcome to the Room One Blog, a photo record of some of our learning this week - sorry no photos of swimming as I was in the pool with the children supervising use of the slide which went so well we were really impressed with our Room One and Room Three children, their ability to respect and wait for each other and turn taking.
Enjoy looking at these pictures and thanks for visiting the Blog.
Annelise at sharing time telling us her news.

Leah was very excited to show us her little ponies.

Holly completing a number puzzle to 10, sensibly checking the illustration on the box to ensure she had ordered her numerals correctly.

Singing c,k,c,k,c with the castanets...

....taking turns :)
Our letter this week is 't' therefore our poem is "The Toaster" and this is how it goes:
A silver scaled dragon,
With jaws flaming red,
Waits at my elbow
And toasts my bread!
I hand him fat slices
And then one by one,
He hands them back
When they are done..... so I brought a dragon into class and covered him with a tea towel, telling the poem to my children to find out if they could decipher what was under the towel. We had some great language from this including "Why on earth would we have a toaster at school?".... Each child was then treated to freshly buttered toast (so we managed to do some 'fractions' as well, cutting each slice into quarters to feed as many children as possible at one time whilst we fund describing words (adjectives) for our toast, ready for our writing time..

Some of the boys playing together.

Wow Holly and Videl love puzzles - Holly made this alphabet puzzle up too!

Kaden has filled his first sticker chart.Ka Pai Kaden!

Bella came on her first school visit, she fitted in so well.

Joseph is delighted to have filled his first chart too.

We are learning all about ordering numbers and counting forwards and backwards. Much of this is done by singing and here you can see us singing and acting out 'One man went to mow..'

Snack time.
 Our focus in art is drawing portraits and this week we used our pencil skills to draw our own faces and did our best to add the facial features in the right place. The finished pieces are already on display in our classroom, do come and see them, the children did SO well!

i-pad learning.

Lexington using the i-pad to take photos - he was intrigued that he could also rotate the camera to do 'selfies'.

Number puzzles...


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