Thursday 12 February 2015

Our first whole week in 2015

We are learning to play together.

Our Maths focus at the moment is on sorting groups or sets and presenting our knowledge in a pictorial way. Below you can see how we have been deciding to sort our equipment.

Videl has sorted her equipment into groups of the same...

Bodie can sort according to colour.

We are drawing ourselves.

Working with the i-pads and helping each other.

Lexington wrote his own name for the first time.

Welcome to our class, Annelise!

Welcome, Jackson!

Hearty fun dance...

Lockie came on a visit and the Kindy collected him.

Playing together.

Dominoes in free time.

We all made our own shakers for music percussion.

Singing and shaking to the beat of the music.

Lexington is concentrating so well.

Learning to balance - it is difficult to get my children to leave spaces between each other, they like to be close!

Using pay-doh to make up family stories.

Bodie and Kaden made a swimming pool!

Video can read all the Room One sight words already.

Addison has completed her sticker chart -she is one of the children who stayed in my class at the end of last year.

We can all put our teddies in groups.
Next week we are swimming again on Thursday - I will take photos! Please pay the office if you have not already. ALSO, all children need a designated library book bag please. Thanks for reading our Blog!

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