Thursday 15 May 2014

Week Two in Room One.

Heavens, the weeks go so fast! Here we are at the end of our second week already. Lots of great learning again in our class and a super little group they are too. Hope you enjoy looking through the pictures celebrating our week together.
Ordering our numbers learning the concept of 'before' and 'after'.

Room 10 shared the books they made with us in our  buddy reading session - we made a letter thanking them and took it to the senior block!

'Show and tell' on Monday morning.

Making a volcanic eruption!!

On our way to the seniors with our letter.

Sharing together.

We took it in turns with the volcano.

Here is our letter saying "Thanks!"

Mia made her own mermaid bookmark here she is enjoying showing it to Timothy.

Look at that lava!

Our number this week is 3 - Timothy and Dominic made it with their bodies!

In our music this term we are listening to music from different genres and countries. Here the class were dancing to my tape (I have some lovely comments front he children when they saw the tape - "It looks like a suitcase but is too small to be a suitcase" for instance - makes me feel so old!

Using number lines and pegs together learning which number comes 'before'.

Sophie dancing to the music which made her feel 'pretty'.

NZSL week this week - we were going to chalk butterflies on the pavements but it was too wet so we made handprints instead. Butterflies are the logo of Deaf Aoteoroa.

Using Lexia to help with our reading and writing.

When we have finished our writing time we are able to do different language based activities on the mat, here are some of the children playing a 'dominoes' type game with letter matching.

Playdoh number making on Friday morning.

Hand printing. Thanks Kiri for being here to help us!

We recorded our sentences and then wrote our stories and checked our sentences against the voice recording. It was super.Ka Pai Amy!

Buddy reading with the Room 10 girls, Mia is loving the book made and read by Lauren.

Mrs Shepard wrote her own book too and read it to the classes.

Dominic loving the book sharing too.

Mia and Lydia formed perfect number threes.

Sharing stories in our purple corner.

Lovely Mrs Shepard !

Rocco has completed his first writing goal sheet now :)

Isla can also make up a sentence of her own using her sounds and write it with finger spaces and a full stop!

'Fast word' writing on the whiteboards.

Art, colouring our taniwha with wax crayon before adding a dye wash.

We chose our favourite colour of dye.

Our letter of the week is e so we made elephant masks.

Who can you recognise behind the masks?

Discovery time - we found a box of equipment we have not used before!

Many of us are new to Room One so Mrs Savill added our triangles to the class blanket.

Wow Mia you can colour in so beautifully!

Our song is our poem this week - One elephant went out to play upon a spiders web one day… we are walking along the web having chosen another elephant each time to join us (again using our before and after number language!)

Keana enjoyed colouring a fairy in Discovery Time

Making the quilt and learning how to handle pins.

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  1. well done on your writing room 1

  2. weII done on your work room 1

    by Cameron and Jonty

  3. Well done Lidia for finishing your chart!!! from Keita.
