Thursday 8 May 2014

Our first week back in Room One.

Hello everyone and a very warm welcome back to school after the easter holidays. This is our Friday 'reporting back' Blog of the week - thanks for viewing our post earlier this week that the children helped put together showing our shapes learning in Maths time.
We've been busy as usual and welcomed Amy to our classroom - we are missing our friends who went to Miss Affleck's class, but still get to see them at break times and during Wednesday Discovery time.
If you would like to see a full report of Discovery Learning come into the cloaks bay where each week is presented on display.
Enjoy the pictures and please leave a comment for us to share :)
A is our letter of the week and we are learning to form it the right way around - here you can see Dominic loving using our Activboard.

Hockey coaching - we were so fortunate to have good weather and to learn from Jamie on Wednesday, we even had a little game!

Shapes were a focus for us this week, classifying shaped according to the number of sides they have and describing the number of corners - we were grouping different shapes.

Teamwork makes the alphabet!

Looking for rectangles in class.

A close-up view of shape sorting into groups.

Some children chose two dimensional rectangle shapes, some spotted 3D shapes with rectangles.

Discovery usiing mosaic shapes.

Well done Sophie, completing your writing goal sheet!

Lyda spotted that the mat is a rectangle with four sides, two long and two short.

Lydia has completed her writing goal as well :)

Look at the square with a circle in the middle.

The door handle is a rectangle.

Discovery making wrapping paper...

Rocco make a vehicle with Klikko.

Dominic made a BMX bike in discovery time.

Timothy is in a square.

We are all sitting on a rectangle.

Ssh! Don't tell Mum we made gifts...

Keana and Sophie inside a rectangle.

Karen came to help us this week.

Playing in a circle.

Admiring the wrapping paper we made.

Music with our home-made shakers.

Rocco has dome great homework in the weekend for Janice.

The class were amazing and made themselves into a square then a rectangle by adding more bodies.

Welcome Amy who is now five and had her birthday in the holidays.

Here is our rectangle.

Show and tell is Monday and Thursday.

Ready for a drink and story after lunch!

Dominic has completed his sticker chart - well done!

During Topic Time we explored how the land changes from storms and floods - we went out to see the silk tree which fell down from outside our classroom.

Making cards for Mum - don't look too closely until after Sunday Mum!

Remember the tree?

Thanks for viewing the Blog….
Remember sharing time on Monday and Thursday, library time Wednesday as well so please bring your books back and remember to bring your library bag on Wednesday to keep your book safe.


  1. thank you for my mother's day card! Great job :)
    Amy's Mum

    1. Really glad you liked the card, the children worked so carefully! Mrs S.

  2. Good job Mia on your mother's day card. From your sister Ella.
    Your awesome room 1. Great job with your shapes. From William.
    Its good to see what you have been doing. Thanks for your week 1 update :) from Aliyah.
    Good work room 1 with your hockey. From Tayla

    1. Thank you so much for your comments Room 7,brat to know you have enjoyed the photo record of our week!
      Mrs S

  3. Hello Room 1 from Room 8. It looks like you are all working very hard. What other shapes can your find when you look around the school?

  4. Hi, It looks like you have been working very hard in room 1. From Lily room 8

  5. Hi Room one I can see that you have been focusing on your Art from stacy

  6. Hi room 1
    welcome Amy to birchwood school
    from Cara and Pene

  7. well done sophie and lydia for your writing
