Saturday 24 May 2014

Week three, term two in our class.

Well done Lydia you have filled two sticker charts already - what a great learner and helper you are!
This week we have been busy with Science week, also running every day in order to get fit for the cross country event. We had had Jump Jam with Mrs Malthus, Kapa Haka also with her on a Thursday, we incorporated erosion into our topic learning about 'How the earth changes' and Sophie and Rocco brought their music choices in to share with us. We hope you enjoy reading about this week!
Making books on the i-pads
Writing words of our own!
You can see some of our Maths games
Crazy science show!
This is one of the books we have been reading to support our unit of 'How the earth changes' and we made our own beach to model erosion - the children LOVED it!
Science experiments in class too!
Erosion modelling - what a great beach!

Discovery time with room 3.

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