Thursday 20 March 2014

Two weeks in Room One !

When we were learning about the letter 'o' we discovered all of these boys in our class have an 'o' somewhere in their names!
Goodness Timothy can write and read a lot of numbers already :)
Making Rabbit books in Discovery time - week six.
Making mobile models with Room three in discovery.
Keana has the 'talking stick' she was sharing her little hamster toy - it is incredible, it walks and chatters!
Roman and Liam worked together to make a number line to 9.
These girls were ordering the alphabet and their numbers too.
Dominic wants to learn to play his guitar.
Discovery time with the Big Blocks...
Wow our number train goes all the way up to 20!
So, what's in the crocodile???
Sam sharing her fairy book with Sophie who has made a mobile herself.
Basketball skills with Dallas.
More sharing and talking (Monday and Thursday mornings are special for us in Room One)
Playing with the zoo.
Making beautiful paintings
Romans rocket.
Keana can hold a basketball correctly with her fingers splayed.
Rasharna working well.
Riley and Tyesha can order their numbers to ten as well.
These are the fabulous new sandpit toys the Home and School have purchased for us all to share. Thanks so much!
Isla learning that spinning the basketball towards you then letting go means it bounces beautifully.
Accurate counting one to one.
Keeping a steady beat.
We can sing and play.
Learning to use Kid Pix.
Dominic and Timothy enjoying the bell shakers.
Tyesha has drawn herself!
We are writing our fast words on the whiteboards and putting them up in the window for our families to enjoy!
Where's mine?
Drawing our Mums - come into the class to see our finished posters and to read why we love our Mums.
A floes-up of the toys.
Jacob is making his first book ever.
We loved making pasta number cards.
Time for Brain Food!
Zara, you are a writing whiz. You have finished your first writing goal sheet and are writing sentences of your won without help using your sounds so well. Great progress!

Monday - Show and Tell, bring a toy or special something from home.
Tuesday - our trip to the Suter gallery remember to bring your booster seat from home, pay $1 at the office and arrive by nine o'clock we need to leave as close to 0900 as possible for parking and getting to our workshop on time.
Wednesday - Discovery Time with Room 3 and library this afternoon.
Thursday - Show and tell today. Mrs Lawrence will be teaching us today as Mrs Savill will be working on our learning journals and doing more assessments.
Friday - Wear PURPLE today and bring a dollar for Epilepsy, we are fund raising for a cry worthwhile charity and will receive a purple ribbon in exchange for our dollar coin donation.

have a super weekend and thanks for reading the Bog - apologies for two weeks together but these last couple of weeks have been so busy!
Remember the Star of the Week is now under a new tab at the top of this page and the Natureland Show follows this Blog.

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