Sunday 9 March 2014

How can it be week five already ?

Well, here we are again - the weeks just fly by! Week five was busy busy with our trip to Natureland as well as all of our 'usual' activities. We hope you enjoy the snapshots.
In Maths we have been learning how to play some of the games in our class - here we are playing the car race with a number line to 20, it's great to help each other taking turns.

We painted our hand prints for our book about ourselves - Sophie is about to make a pink print.

I-pads on a Monday afternoon are a real favourite, co-operating whilst playing games.

When we went to Natureland our teacher was Christine, she took us all over Natureland and introduced lots of animals to us.

We even went into the kitchen to see and smell the food being prepared.

Mrs Savill helping Tyesha who wanted a 'rainbow' handprint! It tickled a lot!

Great learning to order the alphabet.

Rocco wanted pink too...

Lydia had alternate fingers painted red and blue, go Lydia!

"This turtle is smiling at me!" Gracie.

Dominic couldn't stop laughing when it was his turn to make a hand print.

We are all wearing smart black socks to school.

Dallas came to introduce us to basketball skills.

This is how to catch a ball with your hands ready and knees bent.

Isla is holding her ball correctly with fingers spread.

These animals were all alive once, they were seized at customs as people tried to bring them into the country and were not allowed to. We got to hold and study them all as part of our learning at Natureland.

Zara is holding her ball well too.

William's Mum holding Diego, a lovely bearded dragon.

Enjoying the monkey ropes.

Wow a real live tortoise!

Free time and drawing together.

Relaxing and model making.

Gosh Zara, what a star you are, already you can read all of the Room One sight words! Now you have a spelling book of your own.

Whoops, we didn't get this in week five, but the week before - I missed the photo out and it is such a treasured award we just had to share it with you all!!

Thanks for reading the Blog and for your super comments, we love them!


  1. Hi Room 1! Room 6 is really looking forward to spending some time on your blog this week. We know lots of exciting things happen in Room 1 so we're really excited!

    From Room 6

  2. Dear room 1 it must be fun at Natureland. (From Hannah'Ella room6)

  3. This is Sophies Nanna over in Australia... Last week I was so excited to meet you all & go to Natureland & see all the wonderful animals with you.

    Thank you Mrs Saville for the ride in your car...... (Aleyne Woolf)

  4. Well done Room 1 for your 'We care award'- very cool you are taking pride in your classroom ♥ Thankyou for sharing the pictures of Natureland, the tortoise picture is my favourite! Tino pai Room 1! From Purdie and Milan Campbell

  5. Well done room 1hope you win it some other time

  6. Keep it up! from Jade
