Saturday 9 March 2013

Welcome to Room One Week 5 Blog!

Time in certainly flying here in Room One and we are all amazed to find ourselves at the end of another week, almost half way through the first term already!
We had some special events this week - a Puppetry show on Tuesday, a visit from Fern showing us the  'Imaginz' construction material who helped us make a 'bunny burrow' to crawl though and the start of our NZSL programme with Cathy from The Hearing House.

I hope you enjoy this photos record of some our our activities...

 We have been counting 1:1 with counters and adding 'one more', also working out who has the most altogether by comparing our total number of counters.
M is our letter of the week and we are making Marvellous Meal placemats - they will take more time to finish so we will be working on these next week as well.

Buddy reading after lunch on Thursday with Room seven friends.

We can choose where to sit and share our books.

Puppet show with the Kindy, following a maori legend of discovery. Our Kindy and school children were encouraged to participate and some held stars and planets.
Drumming and song...fantastic!

Making the bunny burrow with was quite technical!

"Is it ready yet?"

Sofie enjoying her turn in the burrow tunnel.

"Come on, Max, your go!"
 This first few weeks of term we have been busily making a special book about ourselves which I hope to have finished for the end of this week. They will be laminated and spiral bound and are a visual record of your childs' first weeks at school, including their own drawings on KidPix (a computer programme we use here at school), drawings and writing about themselves, some poetry and a hand print...I hope you like them when they do come home!

Jack made his own dinosaur - a Smackosaurus!

Kobe the rabbit - sorry its in the wrong place!
 Remember I mentioned Kidpix? Here are Kobe and Cade exploring the drawing tools have already placed 'stickers' on the desktop. We will be making our own flags next week using KidPix.

It's not only the children whose hands get painted!

Ava and Mia enjoying the C.O.W (Computers on wheels - you can see it in the background here ).

Kobe, Sofie and Jack using the interactive word wall, finding the words they need for their writing.

Whoops! Sophia having free time making a lego house - she found a coin the the box...

We read in groups together every day except Buddy reading day and here you can see the Tui group concentrating hard on Wear It Purple Day (last Friday).

Climbing on the outdoor play equipment - we were exploring how many different ways we could climb - up the wall, the spiders web, the pole, the rope ramp, the ladders.....

Puzzling Maths together.

...climbing onto the circles...

...and up the web like Spiderman, Leon!

We were delighted to be chosen for the "we care' award to reflect how tidy we keep our classroom every day - Shylah was asked to collect this in assembly on Friday and was over the moon with the responsibility!

Oh yes, almost everyone also had the chance to make patterns using the attribute beads. Shakana is proud of hers.

So is Ava - those who did not get the chance to match a pattern with the cards will do so this week.

Certificates for super homework.

I can order my numbers from 0 to 9!


Monday - remember it is sharing time in the morning, share your weekend news and something you would like to show to your friends in Room One.We will be drawing our Dads this afternoon as our letter of the week is D.
Tuesday - finishing our Marvellous Meal placemats and describing our Dads.
Wednesday - Kids Can Cook this morning - our session is after morning teatime. Library time will be changed this week I will let everyone know which day we will be visiting the library instead. We are also visiting the Kidergarten at Birchwood this morning to see our old friends.
Thursday - Sharing time this morning, recount writing and will be Buddy reading this afternoon. We will be having 'Den Day' after buddy reading...
Friday - New Zealand Sign Language lesson after Brain Food with Cathy and Discovery with Room Three this afternoon.

What an amazing week!

Our visitors this week will be Samuel, Joel, Carey and Talei. Our letter of the week is D

Please sign up as a follower and leave a comment on the Blog if you can, thanks, Mrs Savill.

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