Saturday 9 March 2013

Star of the week and special certificates...

Star of the week this week is Cade, to reflect his keen attitude and thirst for learning. He always give his full attention to everything we are doing in Room One and has many questions, wanting to explore further and find our even more, which is a really encouraging attitude to school. He is polite and friendly to others, has compassion and caring and is a super little learner. Well done Cade!

Shakana is also a super learner - she had already filled her first sticker chart, receiving stickers for every 5 sight words she learns, for helping others, kindness, keeping the classroom clean and tidy, great listening skills and generally doing great things! All the children have the opportunity to earn sticker rewards and the interest in counting their sticker totals is fabulous.
Great work Shakana, keep it up!

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