Saturday 2 March 2013

Our fourth week in Room One 2013

Welcome again to our Blog, showing a week of learning in our busy, happy classroom of five year olds. This is a photo record of some of the activities from our week - hope you enjoy them!
Cade was with us last term for a few weeks and has completed his reward sticker chart so was delighted to take it home for use as a bookmark - now he can see at home how great he is at school! Well done, Cade :)

Sharing time on Monday morning is always popular, the children have the opportunity for 'show and tell' sing the 'doughnut' in order that everyone can be fully engaged and share.

We have been learning the Jolly Jingle for 'd' and here you can see my class singing along and playing drums with their thumbs!

Maths exploration - Leon is matching colours.
Jack is working out how best to begin his task of covering the green shapes with the l shaped white cards.

Sharing....Mia and Jack noticed the camera!

More sharing photos (sorry they are not up with the first one on this page!).

Cade using early threading skills.

Ava and Evie are both counting on a mini abacus.

A classic zero waste lunch box, well done to Sophia!

News writing time.

Let's find this word together guys....

Busy writing and thinking time.

Mia, Sofie and Andy are working so well.
Shakana is making steps with her rods.

Sofie is making the clown puzzle fit together perfectly.
We have been counting up to 10 and back, each bobbing down and saying the next number - Louis was number four, Shylah will be number five.

Monday - Show and tell, please bring something special, a thought or something to show. Mrs Lawrence will be in Room One in the afternoon whilst Mrs Savill finishes assessing new children and meeting with parents. Our new letter today will be M for Monday!
Tuesday - Special puppet performance in the hall for Room One and Room Three children, remember to pay $1 to the office please. I will be teaching ukulele in class at 0830 but am here for my children so do not worry if you come in and there are older children in the class!
Wednesday - Library day, remember your book! I have recorder club this morning which can be quite busy so you may like to come into school a little later than 0830 today!
Thursday - Hopefully a special treat this afternoon - wait and see :) Today we are buddy reading with Room 7, it is going to always be on a Thursday now. Show and tell today as well. Swimming has finished.
Friday - Whole school assembly this afternoon at 2.30pm all parents, caregivers and friends are welcome to join us.

Visitors this week include Joel and Samuel.

Thanks for reading the Blog and comments welcome. Mrs Savill.

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