Sunday 24 March 2013

Reading bookmarks

Look! All of these wonderful children have now filled their sticker chart in Room One!





Star of the week, week 6

Star of the week last week (week six) was Mia, who could not have her certificate awarded in the correct week due to sickness.
Mia, you are caring, compassionate and always try your best in class. I am impressed with your questioning skills and your attitude to your work, you are a delight to teach. Keep it up!

Star of the week week 7

Shylah is our star of the week this week as she has shown herself to be a super little learner. She is always listening, always in the right place at the right time, keen to help and supports her peers well. Shylah you also completed your sticker chart, well done!

Week 7 in Room One

Well, another week has flown by and I am glad to report that Laura, our computer guru, has enabled 'comments' on our Blog so if you want to leave a message you should now be able to! I apologise for photos out of order - I still have not quite grasped how to order them on uploading but I hope you enjoy another taste of our times in Room One...
We had a lovely visit from our friends from Birchwood Kindergarten, all these happy little faces will be joining us either after the Easter break or early next term.
We are very fortunate at Birchwood to be part of a Sport Tasman initiative entitled "get set go!" and Janice Oliver came to our class this week to teach us fundamental balancing skills both indoors and out.

We tried balancing on one leg in the classroom...

This is Janice.

....and walking on a line without falling off in the courtyard.
We have been using our Activboard to help with our number line knowledge, finding missing numbers and popping them into the correct segments on caterpillars body - great for using the language 'before' 'after' and 'between'.

Janice demonstrating good balance.

Leon has now mastered matching upper and lower case letters of the alphabet.

Shakana can make the alphabet in order using our special animal letter cards.

Jayden and Max, potato head king and queen making.
 NZSL (New Zealand Sign Language)
Every Friday morning Cathy spends half an hour teaching us NZSL, building the childrens' skill and understanding. We were playing the colour game on Friday this week and you could have heard a pin drop - this class are so attentive and as you know we love using sign every single day in our class.

Cathy giving instructions.

More balance.

What amazing concentration, I am so proud of Room One.
We are beginning a new unit at school  'Same, same, but different' which will be exploring different cultures with the empahsis being that we are all same same (people) but different due to the way we live, our lifestyles, ways of dressing, traditions, food etc. and each ember of staff dressed up and presented a culture dear to their hearts to a total of three different classes on Friday morning. I only have photos from my classroom where I hosted an English tea party (complete with a cucumber sandwich for every child) and showed photos of my family home in the U.K and animals from 'back home'.

The toast was to demo toast on the breakfast table - wherever you go  out to breakfast (e.g. a hotel or B&B) toast is delivered in a rack - it gets cold very quickly but looks beautiful!).

Wow, Evie! Evie is now able to read all of the Room One sight words and received a special certificate to celebrate this achievement.

Reading Buddies with Room 7.

A big welcome to Joel whose first day at school was Friday - he received two certificates in one day, one in class and one in assembly. Well done, Joel.


Art - we are drawing our Mums, come into the classroom and enjoy your children's art - we have descriptions of Mums and Dads now in addition to big pictures!

Buddies outside!

Max is drawing his Mum, Sally so beautifully.

More reading in the sun.

Peer mediation rules - everyone knows them now in our class.

Mia and Ava following a 'peer mediation' session where we explored how to work out a playground friendship issue!

NEXT WEEK the letter of the week will be B sorry, I put G in the newsletter! Whoops :)

Monday - class photos, individual photos, family photos and we begin our Safe Walking programme.
We will also be continuing our balance focus.
To check out the class photo, please come into Room One where is will be on display and Pip from Pips Pix will be letting you know how to order and pay for prints you would like. Photos for the rest of the school will be taken later in Term One when I will be away.
Tuesday -more safe walking - this tie the first session in the day so please ensure you arrive at 0900 today! Mrs Eades will be in this afternoon - I wrongly explained last Tuesday afternoon was my CRT time, it was actually a peer mediation workshop, this week is my CRT! Sorry!
Wednesday - library time, safe walking and Carey starts school today.
Thursday - Easter activities this morning and Tabloid sports at 1100- parents are very welcome to join this event which is being run by the year 6's.

Friday - No school and we do not come back until next Wednesday when five of my class will have moved up to Rom Three! Wow!

Please remember to return Natureland permission slips and payment - also if you, as parents, are able to come with us and offer lifts in your cars please let me know,

Many thanks and have a Happy Easter!
Mrs S.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Special certificates and Star of the week, week 6.

This week three children filled their special sticker bookmarks up, congratulations to Ava, Sophia and Mia ...

Our Star of the week this week was unwell on Friday so her photo will be here this week coming....well done Mia, we hope you get well soon!

Week Six in Room One 2013

Welcome back to our Blog - thanks so much to parents who have given me verbal feedback about the Blog.I have asked Laura, our I.T guru who comes in once a week to work on our I.T difficulties to see if she can solve the problem of not being able to comment on this Blog and hope that will be sorted out this week.

Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy these photos - again, they are in a bit of a muddle, organisation wise, but maybe Laura can help me with that too!

Shakana had a turn at being 'Mrs Savill' and telling a story, ably aided byAva!
Maths games - scarecrow...

Cathy comes once a week to work with Room One on NZSL and this week was teaching the National Anthem.She says she is 'blown away' by these children and their perception and engagement of sign language - well done, team!

DEN DAYOn  Thursday afternoon I arranged a total treat for my class. Our letter of the week was D so we had 'Den day' whereby I brought duvet covers and towels from home, made popcorn with the class and let the children play in the dens we made using their tables. We had four different 'homes' which were shared, neighbours invited each other over to play, lunches were finished and in the end the children also completed a 'd' worksheet in their dens too by choice! Wow!

 Puzzling time..
Louis is the first child to make up this racing puzzle
We love to go back to Kindergarten, to meet our old friends and play with them. We share in 'mat time' and have valuable time to remember where we came from and our friends who will be coming up to Birchwood school - either in the near or distant future love seeing us too.
Sophia is hairdressing with her friends.

Cheryl had a special pack about aeroplanes for Leon from a while ago when he was at Kindy and met Robert who works on the airlines and remembered Leon's passion.

Doesn't Evie look fabulous dressing up?

Cade and Jayden helping collect sunflower seeds from the seed heads.


On Wednesday we had a special Kids can cook outdoor kitchen at Birchwood and Rooms one, three and four combined for their cookery lesson. Caitlin was chosen as 'sous chef' and helped Chris make delicious crepes.

Waiting for a taste....

Tasting time - crepes filled with fresh silver beet and apple - not everyone's choice!

We used the untuned percussion instruments to tap, clap or shake to the beat this morning (Thursday), we are learning to take turns, listen carefully and only play when the 'conductor' tells us to !

 Marvellous meals...

Our marvellous meal place-mats are now finished and on show in the window spaces of Room One. They will be coming home this week and we hope you enjoy looking at them and that they are helpful keeping the dining table clean at meal times. Each child cut out pictures of their favourite foods and we have some interesting choices!

Den work!

Jack and Andy chose to do their den work 'outside'.

Sharing time - Leon showing Louis his transformer.
We are concentrating on our drawing skills this term in art and as our letter of the week is D we drew our Dads. As big as possible, on massive paper.... the results are so fabulous that this next week we will be doing the same with Mums. Every child described their Dads and their voices were recorded on the Activboard which then meant I could print out the exact phrases in order to have a written record to display with the art. Come into our classroom and enjoy!

Sharing time using the 'talking stick' (turn taking and only the person with the magic stick is allowed to speak) Evie is showing her lego lanyard and dolly.

Kobe and Sofie working happily together...

Look at my pattern matching skills - Shylah.

Marvellous meal completion.

Kindy visit - these are some of our friends who will be turning five before the end of this term so will be in our class, how exciting!

Patrick came at last to touch the ceiling - the children have been asking and asking for him to visit and show us how tall he is and on Friday he managed to pop in very briefly...

Evie is counting her animals carefully and joining sets.

Monday - We have the i-pads this afternoon and will be drawing Mums... I look forward to it very much! Important letter about our Natureland visit will be coming home today with the newsletter!
Tuesday - Mrs Eades will be teaching this afternoon, Mrs Savill is on an afternoon of CRT but will be in school.
Wednesday - No school this afternoon, please collect your children at lunchtime today. We have library too so please remember to return last weeks book and bring your library bag.
Thursday - New Entrant Meeting for prospective parents from 0915 - 1030, please let your friends know if they are considering Birchwood as a possible school for children turning five. Mrs Lawrence will be taking Room One until morning tea time. Buddy reading with Room 7 after lunch.
Friday - Whole school assembly at 2.30 all are welcome.

Our letter of the week this week is N.