Monday 18 April 2016

Final week in our first term - goodbye to some of our friends!

Wow, Emma has completed her number 2 sticker chart - what a great helper, friend and learner you are, Emma!
This is the last blog for term one and what an excellent term it has been, loads of learning, heaps of progress, friendships made, visitors welcomed and then this week, transition for some...

Careful counting: 'what is your favourite number? Can you write it and show that many?'

Counting is fun... much fun that our black cat friend came to help - does anyone know where this gorgeous creature lives??

Dressing up time in Discovery.


K-Nex making models.

Our finale for our Still Life was painting our class plant - seen on the table next to our bubble table - the final art works are having in our class, do come and enjoy them.

Emma was so careful with her model!

Everyone in Ngaio always makes a book to keep forever, a 'Book about Me!'
Here you can see Vince and Lillybelle enjoying theirs. If you are reading this and were once in Room One with me, see if you can find your copy and enjoy it again!

Our Topic this term is all about ourselves and keeping ourselves healthy. We have studied food and know about everyday and special day food and now we are learning more, sun safety is very important too.

In pairs the children made their own suns smart posters and know about Slip. Slop. Slap - Slip on a t-shirt, Slap on a hat and Slop on some sunscreen.

Our posters show all these important aspects and you can come and see them on our health wall.

Miecke had her first visit to school this week and made friends straight away!

Beau also came to visit for the first time and settled straight into life in Ngaio.

Sharing time, Jayden, one of our visitors, showed his new library bag to Kaden, another visitor who had brought his Hot Wheels track to show.

Sol was fascinated by Miecke's new school bag - Frozen themed. 

Kayla enjoyed a follow-up activity for her Core 5 programme.

Clinton working on Core 5 too.

Ewan making a mat from our letters.

It's all too much for a cat!

Everyone helped assemble the letters into an alphabet track and  Kayla was very careful to walk the track singing her A,B.C carefully with one little foot step for each letter. You can see the cat asleep!!

Maths open ended problem solving...

....the task was to make shapes from 6 cubes only...

...matching the examples in our workbooks was a challenge.

Making caterpillars for this weeks' poem.

Emma can recite the poem word for word.

So can Sol - can you?

Writing our letters in the sun. 

Ewan writing 'here' , one of the 'Early Word' programme words he knows well now. Go, Ewan!

Guided reading, Alex is reading to Emma who will then read back to him.

Kobie is really listening carefully to her buddy, Sol.

Kayla has completed her first writing goal sheet!

Ewan has too... has Emma! All of these children can write a simple sentence for themselves using beginning letter sounds for each word, finding high frequency words from their word cards, leaving finger spaces between each word and ending with a full stop. Ka Pai!

Leaving certificates - again, every child who has been in my class has one of these with a photo collage on the back! Good-bye to Lillybelle, off to Pohutukawa.

Ella is off too!

So is Vince! We must not forget James but he had a fall and Mum collected hime early today so I did not get to take a photo of him with his certificate but I hope he likes it!

Sorry for the late posting of the blog but I went home early on Friday!! :) Mrs Savill.

Oh yes, next term we start our rotation of recorder and ukulele groups which will mean my class go up to Room 10 on alternate Mondays at 2.30 pm for 30 minutes to share maths games with their 'big' friends whilst I teach beginner recorders in my room. The following week the students from Room 10 not playing ukulele will join us in our room. This is a new programme and we are sure all children will benefit. See you next term .

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