Thursday 25 February 2016

Week four, term one in Ngaio class

Show and tell on Monday - Bella brought a little bird which can record your voice and repeat it back - what a hit that was!!

Zane has an amazing horn from Africa and can play it really loudly - he has a super collection of instruments, thank-you Zane!

One of our new letter sounds this week was c/k and we can sing the castanet song and play along really well now.

All about 2 - making sets of 2 with counters.

Learning about tens frames with counters.

Playing the tens game, making the number of counters to match a given numeral, the children took turns to be 'teacher' and to flash the number they chose to their friends who then made the correct pattern on the frame.

Drawing skills - we are learning to make our pencils whisper, speak and shout, do come and see our patterns - we can now stipple (make dots) and cross hatch (like a basket) and our daisies look fabulous on the wall.

Learning through play is so important and our Lego skills are incredible.

This is Ms McCauley who relieved in our room this week whilst Mrs Savill was on the planning team.

We had a cricket skills coaching session - look at Zane go!

This is Daniel, our cricket coach.

During Discovery Time we had the opportunity to use crayon and dye (our finished results are on display outside Pohutukawa class in the shared foyer space).

Ewan was a detective during dressing up.

Balancing skills on the deck with ben bags on our heads which later progressed to pots of water!!

Making K-Nex models together.

Visiting the library.

We love to read!

Kindly came to visit and brought their show and tell for our sharing time - we had the same number of visitors as in our class so a busy busy mat time, it was super!

Buddy reading with Room 7 on Thursday in Ngaio this week.

Playing with some of our literacy games, posting cards to find the beginning letter.

We have been writing all the numbers we know by heart.

Matching tens frames and numerals is great!

Exploring the Maths boxes.

Problem solving with teddies - making patterns of 3 colours.

This was our last week of swimming - no photos as I was in the water with the children, giving them confidence to come down the slide at the pool! What a great day that was!

Remember next Friday is a mufti day raising funds for Fiji after the cyclone we are dressing 'pasifika style' so wear your sarong. Have a great weekend.

Mrs Savill.

Star of the week, week 4.

Vince receives our certificate this week to reflect his enthusiasm for and progress in reading. He is thoroughly excited by words and finding those he knows and is also really keen to get a new pack of sight words as often as possible. He reads his books over and again and is proud of his achievement, as am I. Great work, Vince!

Thursday 18 February 2016

Star of the week, week 3 Feb 2016.

What a pleasure to be able to give Clinton our award - he is such a kind boy, always ready to share with others and thinking of them. Ka Pai, Clinton, you will go far with an attitude like yours. Your Mum was so very proud of you in assembly and so was I!!

Week three in Ngaio, Feb15th - 19th 2016

We painted huge pictures of ourselves - do come and see them hanging in our room.We made up a story each to go with our amazing paintings. 

Taking advantage of the sun and learning to write our letter of the week - 'a'.

We love singing our A,B.C's and pointing to each letter as we go.

"Wow, Mrs Savill, come and see our tower it is taller than us, nearly as tall as you! It may fall over..."

The i-pads in our room are loaded with apps the children love to use, here you can see Lillybellex learning her letter sounds and making words.

Ella loves the word machine and is helping Kayla read.

Mrs Shepard reading to us, as we joined together for our Discovery Time - the new display is up in the foyer in our block. If you haven't yet come to see it, please do, we are taking turns beautifully and this is our focus, making a difference to how we work together.

Choosing percussion in music this week - what awesome shakers we have!

This is Mrs Hatton who was relieving on Thursday morning.

We have been learning about probability using the terms 'will' 'won't' and 'might'.

Using the Little Red Riding Hood story we decided what we will see in a forest, might see and won't see...

Swimming on Thursday - we were so lucky it didn't rain!!

Vince learned that Te Pakira is only a little taller than him and if she can stand up in the pool then so can he and he didn't need to be afraid.

These are our helping Mums, so great you can come and assist us each week, ladies! Thank you!

James has filled his first sticker chart!

Although Alex has a box on his head, the learning from this play before school was incredible.

Problem Solving Maths today - we were making houses for teddies and here Kayla was making one from cushions - that was tricky!

Clinton made a teddy bed...

Zane made a teddy jungle ding - dong!

Ella has completed her first writing goal sheet. Great work Ella!!

Homework certificates - al these children did alphabet homework last week, cutting out things beginning with our letter of the week and pasting them into their books. Ella and Emma.

Alex and Lilly belle...

Vince and James...

Ewan made these gorgeous glasses to wear in Discovery Time.

The boys loved making various contraptions in Rm3.

This was a fun activity - balance is our focus and we were trying to balance on the wood whilst holding a ruler, balancing as many jelly beans as we wanted to without dropping them!