Friday 16 October 2015

Our first week in term four, 2015.

Our first morning tour of the important places in the school - the office, sick bay, resources room, Mr Herrick's office , the library and learning how to sit in the hall for assembly.

What a good thing we had found the sick bay, seconds later Jaxson tripped over and needed assistance from Janice, our wonderful aide.

When we went out to the courtyard we were delighted to see Mr Laing putting put he shade sail.

Here he is in action! Thanks Mr Laing, we will be protected from he sun now when we have our lunch.

First day at school for Alice, Clinton and Imogen, welcome all!

Show and tell sharing time.

Te Pakira was wonderful, sharing her stickers with everyone else, how lovely.

Addison has been ordering finger patterns to 10, he put them in a line so skilfully we all wanted to learn from him.

Out unit this term focuses around animals and their movements so we joined up with Rom Two after our introductory video clips and tried out some animal moves on the  grass.

Athletic sports is coming up this term too so time for a few running race attempts to learn how to go in a straight line and  run past the finish line, not stop at it in order to do as well as we can.

I was off sick with no voice but Charlie still came on his first visit, sorry I missed you Charlie, see you next week!

Buddy reading with Room seven is a joy, Dantae is reading so well with Ella-Rose.

We are learning how to use the play dough mats for our Maths too, here Cohen is learning that 6 goes the right way around.

Imogen enjoyed making 5 spots for her ladybird and trying different ways to make patterns for 5.

Keira tried other ways too.

Wow, Addison has been here a full term and now can read all of the sight words in Room One so will start spellings next week!

Cooper is at the same stage as Addison, I am so proud of you both, what wonderful readers you re!

We have our visit planned for Animal Farm on Thursday, if you have not yet returned your permission slip please do so. Children will need to wear closed toe footwear please and remember hats, water bottles (essential!)and sunscreen. We will eat our lunch at the farm before our return to school and plc forward to a wonderful visit. Many thanks to those parents who have offered transport, we look forward to seeing you on Thursday in class just before 10a.m.

Have a great weekend and week ahead.
Cheers, Mrs S.

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