Tuesday 22 September 2015

Week nine already!

Sharing time...

Locke let other children try on his cap - how cute is Isaac?

Locke has a Batman cap!

Noah loves transformers.

Amelia-Rose loved wearing the cap too.

Isla is ready for Room Two - her sticker chart is full again!

Ozzy came to visit!

Locke has filled another chart too, Room Two here we come!

Wow, Dantae is on fire!

Soon Te Pakira will be five - the Kindy friends and Elaine came to collect her after her visit to us.

The Scholastic Book Fair was a total success.

Keira started school this week!

We were invited to join the Kndy for their visiting fire-engine - what exciting times.

Children even had a turn with the hose!

Our Maths this week has a money focus so we made our won shop and loved 'selling' to each other and shopping with the  plastic money.

Jaxson is talking with Isla about his coins and their value.

Come to our shop!

Our swimming lessons at the ASB aquatic centre are fun.

More show and tell - our class is full!

Welcome to school, Cohen!

Off to Room One from Room Two on Loud Shirt day.

Thanks for your help girls.

Super writing!

More super writing!

Rebecca is also writing well now!

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