Thursday 30 July 2015

Week two, term three.

Lockie is doing really well with his Early Words programme :)

Show and tell - Frankie made binoculars!

We are great at sharing with each other.

Caterpillar maths on the activboard - learning how to use it for our maths group times.

Joel took some great photos in our class of things we have made.

Maybe Dantae will be an architect when he grows up?

Matthew also has a flair for building.

Addison enjoys the duplo too.

Hunter is super with striking the ball now.

Full focus and alphabet cards.

Discovery time, making bracelets.

Lockie and Maia can colour so very carefully.

Discovery time, Miah and Matthew making a Klikko model together.

Frankie made bracelets for her family!

We carried out a follow-up investigation and answered the question from Addison concerning the car.

Trevahn came to visit for the first time.

Number before and after...

Cooper can count up to 20 carefully.

We are talking about all the things we see on the cover of a new book.

C,k for castanets is a favourite!

Star of the week, week two term three.

Miah received our award this week to reflect her improvement in learning as she is really taking off, especially in maths as her confidence within Room One improves.
Miah is kind to others, swift to praise and share, keen to play with new children and is very reliable. It is a joy to have her in my class. Well done, Miah!

Thursday 23 July 2015

Our first week back in term three.

This week our Discovery Time was very short and we combined with Room Two and concentrated on building , working co-operatively. Come to our room and enjoy our posters about our time on Wednesday.

Locke helped Addison re-build the clown man Addison made and knocked over by mistake. How kind of you, Lockie.

Hunter invented a robot arm.

Miah made a giraffe to play with :)

We have started dough-nut sharing in oral language time for show and tell on Monday and Thursdays, the children worked really well together. Ka Pai!

Frankie started school this week, she is very excited.

Addison is not five too, his birthday was in the holidays.

Cooper was five on Monday the same day as Frankie, he is enjoying the challenges of Room One.

Here we are working to match letters of the alphabet with the ladybirds and making rhyming pairs as one of our reading activities.

We have been learning how to play dominoes this week, try this at home if you can.

During art we painted ourselves- come into Room One and enjoy our amazing paintings. We also described something we like to do and these posters will form part of our Assembly item next week!

Lego is always a popular choice when we have free time to explore in our class.

We have a class i-pad of our own for the class and here you can see Rebecca, Joel and Amelia-Rose enjoying it together this week.

Wow Rebecca has completed her first sticker chart.

Locke has received his first writing certificate, I am so excited by your progress, Lockie.

Our music time was using our own percussion instruments.

Matthew brought his Ferrari to show and tell.

Miah brought her Furby along - it is a real chatterbox!

A helper from Room seven (our buddy class) came to play number bingo with us this Thursday.Thanks, Maya.

Isla was learning in her group that  the number of objects in a set stays the same regardless of spatial arrangement .

Striking skills in pairs was awesome.

Here we are with our buddy reading class - Room Two join us for this too.

Locke knows six new sight words from his Early Words learning programme, great stuff, Lockie!