Saturday 9 May 2015

Week three in our lovely classroom!

We were totally transfixed by the amazing new cover for our sandpit - this means the sand cannot get used as a litter tray any more and we know the sand will stay clean for us to play in.

The latest page we made for our books about ourselves was 'I like these things' and here you can see some of the class looking at each others' pages and discussing their likes and interests.

Making our Mothers Day cards took lots of concentration (we hope you liked them, Mums!).

English has completed his special dinosaur chart - well done, English!

Amelia-Rose started in Room One at the beginning for he week and settled straight in.

Eli came on his first visit and instantly made friends.

One of the books we enjoyed this week was 'The otter who loved to hold hands'. In this story the otter holds hands(paws0 with this family every night to make a family raft so that the animals do not drift apart and he hates letting go even in the daytime. Here the children tried holding hands - even Nardia from Room 11 joined in. No-one was left out.

We are getting fit for the cross-country.

Dantae had his first visit to Room One this week too.

So did Rebecca! What a lot of lovely children to welcome.

After we have written our stories in writing time there can be time for more learning and here you can see some of the games we have - matching upper and lower case letters of the alphabet and making up the ladybirds - two halves of the same object (on the back are alphabet letters but the children wanted to use the objects today).

Maths box time - the 'triangles' stitching numbers.

Learning about tens frame patterns.

Jump jam led by the seniors - great exercise!


Lead violinist from the strings orchestra who entertained us as a school on Friday morning.

Locklan and his necklace earned for kind hands - good lad, Locklan.

Wow, Locklan also completed some super homework and this certificate celebrates his work with the letter 'S'.

Macey also did great homework - her work was with 'P'.

Sam has completed her first writing goal 'flower' int he back of her draft writing book, all the children have this goal sheet and when a new skill has been mastered (i.e.using a full stop at the end of a sentence) then they colour in the relevant petal.

Bella has completed her 'flower' too.

Bradley's homework was so intricate he deserved another certificate!

Mr Laing hard at work distributing the new sand into our sandpit. The children were very excited indeed.

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