Thursday 21 May 2015

Golly it's nearly half way through Term 2!!

On Monday we were delighted to have a visit from some of the children who attend Stoke Montessori , so we shared our mat time with them, took them for a walk and run all around our field then had time getting to know each other on our Junior Playground.

On Monday afternoon the children learned about spinning tops and were presented with the 'make your own out of K-Nex' challenge....

Wow, look at Jahzel's go!

Gosh, Bella made hers with longer sticks and it went really fast!

Judah spinning his...

On Tuesday we went on at trip to Elim Kids who had asked Levity Beet the performer to come and do a show for them. It was super fun and we loved it. Thanks all parents who gave lifts and to Elim Kids for having us.

We are learning that print making is not just using a computer to print, it can be using paint to make art works. We made butterflies by folding paper butterflies and putting paint on one side only, then folding it shut and pressing down to make...

...AMAZING art! Come into our room to appreciate our beautiful artworks please.

Getting his second sticker chart full helped Bodie forget his sore sore chin from falling off his skateboard!

We have started our hockey training with Craig - here we are all enjoying 'creep up Jack!'

Off to a Suter Gallery workshop held at the Elma Turner library - here Ester the teacher is leading Room One into the library for their workshop focussing on the works of Eric Carle, who wrote and illustrated 'The very hungry caterpillar'.

We had lots of helping mums without whom we could not have managed, thank you all!

Amelia-Rose concentrating very hard to make her painted paper ready for her animal picture - these will be displayed in Room One when I have time to cut them out and mount them!

Out Maths this week was a strand - Time. We have been learning about night and day, morning afternoon and evening, how to sequence a day and what yesterday today and tomorrow mean as well as trying to learn the days of the week! Whew!

Hunter started school on Thursday - Happy Birthday to you, Hunter!

This is a good week for Bodie, he has completed his first writing goal sheet  too.

On Friday I spent my days CRT assessing my lovely children. It was fab to find out how much improvement they have made and here you can see Lockie so proud of his maths understanding.

Keira knows loads of maths too!!

Annelise has made super reading progress.

Sammy is reading really well too. I actually gave out a number of certificates to reflect progress but couldn't load them all so if your child has brought one home please be generous with the praise !

Special note - my reliever forgot to give out the homework and poetry books this afternoon, so do not be surprised to find your children book bags have readers and sight words only. We will have a week of alphabet homework!

Monday - Show and Tell
Wedsnesday - Cross Country - Juniors at 11.30 please come and support your child if you can, they may wear running kit.Please remember to send a drink bottle. Today is Library day too.
Thursday - Shoe and Tell. New Entrant meeting for prospective parents.
Friday - Whole school assembly at 2.30. Do join us !

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